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Release Candidate

What is a Release Candidate version?

A pre-release version, which contains the desired functionality of the final version, but which needs to be tested for bugs (which ideally should be removed before the final version is released). This is a final step of testing phase before the final relase of a version.

Reporting problems:

To report an error, please provide a detailed description of the ways in which it manifests itself on your system, the steps which lead up to the error and characteristics of the hardware used for testing. Send your description to the email address specified below. You can also report problems and get your questions answered in our forum ( You can also use this procedure to provide your suggestions on improving the product.

Download eScan 11 RC2 Version

Download  Image:escan-g.jpg ISS Edition Version: 11.0.1139.775 (size: 138,245,968 Bytes)

(MD5 Hash of iwn2k3ek.exe : 84ef7218898e82fb49b8595a551d074e)

Download  Image:escan-g.jpg AV Edition Version: 11.0.1139.775 (size: 138,245,912 Bytes)

(MD5 Hash of awn2k3ek.exe : 53e06809375aff19503c154e44538dca)

  • Please send your feedback and suggestions to

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