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MailScan version 6.x

Scheduled Backup

Export and Import of MailScan Settings

This document will describe the detail procedure to export/import Mailscan settings, in order to preserve the settings configured by the Mail Administrator while using MailScan. It is also useful in case of rebuilding the MailScan server or restoring MailScan settings to earlier date or if you decide to move MailScan server from one system to another.

Things to remember:

Please make sure MailScan is installed Note:MailScan has different flavours like MailScan for SMTP, MailScan for Exchange, MailScan for Lotus Domino, MailScan for Mail Server etc., Please make sure the correct product is installed if you try to import settings from different product it may result in error.

Follow the below steps to backup MailScan configuration manually:

  1. Login to MailScan web console.
  2. You will be redirected to “Welcome to Mailscan” page, if not, then click on “Welcome “username”” option in order to get redirected to the page.
  3. Click on Export Settings.


  5. You will be redirected to “Export Settings” page.
  6. Click on “Export” button.


  8. It will start exporting the MailScan settings and will be stored under %Program Files%\MailScan\Debug folder with filename
  9. To schedule the above procedure, use windows task scheduler option.
  10. ""

  11. Program to be used to scheduled is stored under %Program Files%\MailScan folder called *Backup.exe* file.
  12. Whenever Backup.exe file is executed as per defined schedule, the current settings are stored in \Program Files\MailScan\Debug folder with filename called
To restore the backed up MailScan configuration

  1. Login to MailScan web console.
  2. Click on Import Settings


  4. Click on “Choose File” tab.


  6. Browse and select the specific backup file to be restored in MailScan (File name has to be To restore from any scheduled backup, rename the file to
  7. Click on “Import” tab to restore the settings.


  9. Restart the system once for changes to take effect.

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