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:You can use the eScan Management Console to add local users, Active Directory users, or groups. :You can use the eScan Management Console to add local users, Active Directory users, or groups.
- +__TOC__
=='''A) Create New Account'''== =='''A) Create New Account'''==

Revision as of 06:41, 24 January 2011

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User Accounts

A typical network has multiple client computers and as many users. So, it is extremely important for administrators to keep a track of all the user accounts of the network that they are managing. The eScan Management Console comes with a User Accounts feature that helps network administrators keep a track of all eScan users on their networks.
The User Accounts page is displayed when you click User Accounts in the navigation bar. This page allows you to add users from custom accounts or Active Directory user lists or groups.

User Interface

The User Accounts page displays a table that lists the user name, description, domain name, role, and enabled/disabled status of user accounts. In addition, you can add local users or Active Directory users or delete users as per your requirements.

Managing User Accounts

You can use the eScan Management Console to add local users, Active Directory users, or groups.


A) Create New Account

Many a times, you need to add users belonging to the local network to the user list.

The steps to add a custom account are as follows:

1. To add a custom account, in the User Name box, type the user name, and then in the Full Name box, type the full name.
2. In the Password box, type the password, and then in the Confirm password box, type the password again.
3. In the Email address box, type the e-mail address.
4. To save and add the account to the user list, click Save.

B) Active Directory(AD) User or Group

Apart from adding local users, you can also add Active Directory Users or groups to the user list.

The steps to add an Active Directory user or group are as follows:

1. To create a custom account, in the User Name box, type the user name, and then in the Domain box, type the name of the domain.
2. In the Ip Address box, type the IP address of the domain.
3. In the ADS Admin User Name box, type the name of the ADS Admin, and in the ADS Admin Password box, type the password of the ADS Admin.
4. To save and add the account to the user list, click Save.

C) Add from Active Directory

Sometimes, you may not know all the details about the user that you want to add to the user list. So, you may need to search for the user in the Active Directory by specifying certain search criteria.

The steps for searching and adding active directory users are as follows:

1. To search for an active directory user, in the User Name box, type the user name, and then in the Domain box, type the name of the domain.
2. In the AD IP Address box, type the IP address of the domain.
3. In the AD Admin User Name box, type the name of the ADS Admin, and in the AD Admin Password box, type the password of the ADS Admin.
4. To search for the user, click Search.
5. To add a user to the user list of selected users, under Search Results, in the Users list, click the name of the user and then click >.
6. To remove a user from the Selected Users list, in the list, click the name of the user that you want to remove then click <.
7. To save the results and to add the user to the user list, click Save.

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