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Revision as of 07:22, 8 May 2012
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Webmktg (Talk | contribs)
(<B><font size=3>Press Box</font></B>)
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|style="width:200px" |<B><font size=3>Press Box</font></B> || style="width:200px" |<B><font size=3>News</font></B> || style="width:200px" |<B><font size=3>Advertisements</font></B> || <B><font size=3>Events</font></b> |style="width:200px" |<B><font size=3>Press Box</font></B> || style="width:200px" |<B><font size=3>News</font></B> || style="width:200px" |<B><font size=3>Advertisements</font></B> || <B><font size=3>Events</font></b>
|- |-
-|[[#India|India]]+|[[ | India ]]
|[[#India_2|India]] |[[#India_2|India]]
|[[Marketing/Advertisement/India|India]] |[[Marketing/Advertisement/India|India]]
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<div align="right">[[#Top|Top]]</div> <div align="right">[[#Top|Top]]</div>
===India=== ===India===
 +*[ Ravi Shankar Subramanyam rejoins eScan - 16 <sup>th</sup> June 20121]
 +*[ eScan appoints Savex as National Distributor - 19 <sup>th</sup> June 20121]
*[ 80 % of Content Available On The Web Is Malicious - 9 <sup>th</sup> September 2011] *[ 80 % of Content Available On The Web Is Malicious - 9 <sup>th</sup> September 2011]
Line 364: Line 367:
*[ PressEcho - Mit eScan 10 Kinder, Jugendliche und Heranwachsende vor dem Internet schützen] *[ PressEcho - Mit eScan 10 Kinder, Jugendliche und Heranwachsende vor dem Internet schützen]
-*[ PressBox - MicroWorld's eScan bags yet another consecutive VB100% for Vista] 
Italy Italy
 +*[ Avanti a tutta sicurezza! - Napermultimedia]
 +*[ Avanti a tutta sicurezza! - Comunicati-stampa]
 +*[ Avangate Italia: a tutta sicurezza! - Ilcorrieredellasicurezza]
 +*[ AVANTI A TUTTA SICUREZZA! - Giornaleinformatico]
*[ Megamodo - Cloud Server- December 2009] *[ Megamodo - Cloud Server- December 2009]
Line 629: Line 641:
* [[Marketing/Events/India/Clipping_2012 | eScan Version 12 - Clippings.]] * [[Marketing/Events/India/Clipping_2012 | eScan Version 12 - Clippings.]]
---- ----
 +*[ eScan rated ‘solid’ for its stability by VB100 - September, 2012 ]
 +*[ eScan rated ‘solid’ for its stability by VB100 - September, 2012 ]
 +*[ eScan for Mac - September, 2012 ]
 +*[ Banking Socially - April, 2012 ]
 +*[ Cyber crime has become a silent epidemic globally – eScan malware report - 11 April, 2012 ]
 +*[ eScan Gets New National Sales Manager - 26 April, 2012 ]
 +*[ Safeguarding Hospitals From Data Infections - 8 August, 2012 ]
 +*[ eScan to Reward its T2 Partners - 20 August, 2012 ]
 +*[ eScan to Reward its T2 Partners - 20 August, 2012 ]
 +*[ eScan will focus on SOHO & SMB segment and looking forward for corporate as well as Enterprise sector - August, 2012 ]
 +*[ eScan amuses T2 partners with foreign trips - 21 August, 2012 ]
 +*[ Retail For Antivirus - 22 August, 2012 ]
 +*[ eScan Announces Monsoon Bonanza Offer - 20 August, 2012 ]
 +*[ Ravi Shankar Subramanyam rejoins eScan - 24 July, 2012 ]
 +*[ eScan launches its security solution to secure Mac users! - 18 July, 2012 ]
 +*[ Ravi Shankar Subramanyam rejoins eScan - 24 July, 2012 ]
 +*[ eScan Pens New Strategies - 16 July, 2012 ]
 +*[ Ravi Shankar Subramanyam rejoins eScan - 23 July, 2012 ]
 +*[ MicroWorld verbessert eScan 11 und veröffentlicht Anti-Virus- Security für Mac - 25 July, 2012 ]
 +*[ Ravi Shankar Subramanyam rejoins eScan - 24 July, 2012 ]
 +*[ "Data loss is a critical issue CIOs should look into" - 24 July, 2012 ]
 +*[ eScan Launches its Security Solution to Secure Mac Users - 06 July, 2012 ]
 +*[ Ravi Shankar Subramanyam rejoins eScan - 27 July, 2012 ]
 +*[ Ravi Shankar Subramanyam rejoins eScan - 23 July, 2012 ]
 +*[ eScan launches its security solution to secure Mac users! - 21 June, 2012 ]
 +*[ ESCAN APPOINTS SAVEX AS ND - 21 June, 2012 ]
 +*[ Simple Solutions - Simplifying Business - 20 July, 2012 ]
 +*[ Ravi Shankar Subramanyam rejoins eScan - 23 July, 2012 ]
 +*[ Ravi Shankar Subramanyam rejoins eScan - 23 July, 2012 ]
 +*[ eScan appoints Mylo Inc as an exclusive Partner in Belgium - 30 Jan, 2012 ]
 +*[ eScan appoints Mylo Inc as an exclusive Partner in Belgium - 25 Jan, 2012 ]
 +*[ eScan expands its partner network in Belgium - 25 Jan, 2012 ]
 +*[ eScan strengthens its Customer Support to meet the requirements of its growing business - 25 Jan, 2012 ]
 +*[ eScan Offers 24x7 Customer Support - 31 Jan, 2012 ]
 +*[ India Inc's IT security not up to mark: Expert - 26 April, 2012 ]
 +*[ eScan to focus more on SoHo, enterprise - 15 July, 2012 ]
 +*[ eScan Pens New Strategies - 13 July, 2012 ]
 +*[ SaaS & the Indian SMB - July, 2012 ]
 +*[ eScan intros Mac PCs security solution - 4 July, 2012 ]
 +*[ eScan Launches Its Security Solution To Secure Mac Users - 3 July, 2012 ]
 +*[ eScan for Mac Review - 11 July, 2012 ]
 +*[ DDNS Changer causes minimal damage to India - 10 July, 2012 ]
 +*[ DNSChanger: Not a Major CIO Threat - 9 July, 2012 ]
 +*[ Internet doomsday to hit Indian users - 10 July, 2012 ]
 +*[ eScan launches security solution for Mac users - 13 July, 2012 ]
 +*[ eScan Appoints Savex as National Distributor - 20 June, 2012 ]
 +*[ eScan Appoints Savex as National Distributor - 20 June, 2012 ]
 +*[ eScan Appoints Savex as ND - 21 June, 2012 ]
 +*[ eeScan Appoints Savex as National Distributor - 20 June, 2012 ]
 +*[ eScan Appoints Savex as National Distributor - 22 June, 2012 ]
 +*[ eScan appoints Savex as National Distributor - 22 June, 2012 ]
 +*[ Malware - A looming threat to online banking - 22 March, 2012 ]
 +*[ Malware - A looming threat to online banking - 20 June, 2012 ]
 +*[ Apple’s Siri is a Big Threat -21 June, 2012 ]
 +*[ Watch out for ‘skimmer’ while swiping your card -14 June, 2012 ]
 +*[ Watch out for ‘skimmer’ while swiping your card -14 June, 2012 ]
 +*[ eScan & Orient form a strategic alliance -12 June, 2012 ]
 +*[ The hospitality sector is a favourite target for cyber criminals - Express Hospitality -15 June, 2012 ]
 +*[ eScan – Orient form a strategic alliance - Computer News - 7 June, 2012 ]
 +*[ eScan – Orient form a strategic alliance -Channel Infoline - 7 June, 2012 ]
 +*[ eScan – Orient form a strategic alliance - PR Inside - 7 June, 2012 ]
 +*[ eScan Partners With Orient - SME Channel - 7 June, 2012 ]
 +*[ eScan Ties up with Orient Technologies - Digital Terminal - 6 June, 2012 ]
 +*[ Is your TEEN on Facebook, Twitter? Watch out! - Rediff Get Ahead - 19 May, 2012 ]
 +*[ Anonymous hacktivists turn their guns against India - Hindu Business Line - 29 May, 2012 ]
 +*[ Telecom data security - Telecomworld - 28 May, 2012 ]
 +*[ Anonymous hacktivists turn their guns against Indian websites -Business Line- 28 May, 2012 ]
 +*[ Ms. Shweta Thakare to lead eScan in APAC & SAARC to drive its next level of growth in the regions - IT Markat Flash- May, 2012 ]
 +*[ McAfee, eScan promote necessity of security solutions for SMEs - Bizxchange- 16 May, 2012 ]
 +*[ Govind Rammurthy, CEO & MD, eScan MicroWorld on VARIndia -VARIndia- 20 May, 2012 ]
 +*[ From AV to Total Security- CRN - May, 2012 ]
 +*[ Telecom: The Next Step!- Telecom - 22 May, 2012 ]
 +*[ eScan Gives Additional Duty to Shweta Thakare - Digital Terminal - 10 May, 2012 ]
 +*[ Shweta Thakare to lead eScan in APAC & SAARC - VAR India - 10 May, 2012 ]
 +*[ Shweta Thakare to lead eScan in APAC & SAARC - Channel Infoline - 10 May, 2012 ]
 +*[ Ms. Shweta Thakare to lead eScan in APAC & SAARC to drive its next level of growth in the regions - PR Inside - 10 May, 2012 ]
 +*[ Ms. Shweta Thakare to lead eScan in APAC & SAARC to drive its next level of growth in the regions - Free Press Release - 10 May, 2012 ]
 +*[ Ms. Shweta Thakare to lead eScan in APAC & SAARC to drive its next level of growth in the regions -India PR Wire - 10 May, 2012 ]
 +*[ Ms. Shweta Thakare to lead eScan in APAC & SAARC to drive its next level of growth in the regions -News - 10 May, 2012 ]
*[ Securing the IT Infrastructure -eGov Magazine May, 2012 ] *[ Securing the IT Infrastructure -eGov Magazine May, 2012 ]
Line 1,131: Line 1,303:
Germany Germany
 +*[ Microworld расширяет присутствие на российском рынке антивирусных средств - 21<sup>st</sup>June 2012]
 +*[ Microworld расширяет присутствие на российском рынке антивирусных средств - 21<sup>st</sup>June 2012]
*[ Ms. Shweta Thakare to lead eScan in APAC & SAARC to drive its next level of growth in the regions - 2<sup>nd</sup>May 2012] *[ Ms. Shweta Thakare to lead eScan in APAC & SAARC to drive its next level of growth in the regions - 2<sup>nd</sup>May 2012]
Line 1,655: Line 1,830:
===Americas=== ===Americas===
 +*[ eScan eyes Latin American expansion - Segs - 24 August, 2012]
 +*[ Chega ao Brasil a Suite de Segurança de Redes eScan Corporate Edition - Segs - June, 2012]
 +*[ Americana eScan Desembarca no Brasil em Junho Mirando o Mercado de Anti-Malware Corporativo - Marpress - June, 2012]
 +*[ Promoção esgotada: ganhe um ano delicença do eScan Internet Security - Super Download - April, 2012]
 +*[ eScan realiza tour de presentación y entrenamiento en 13 ciudades en México - Prensario_Retail - April, 2012]
 +*[ eScan Internet Security Suite v11 - Prensario_Retail - April, 2012]
'''2011''' '''2011'''

Current revision

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