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Revision as of 06:49, 23 December 2011
WikiSysop (Talk | contribs)

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Revision as of 08:53, 23 December 2011
WikiSysop (Talk | contribs)

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-#+# CD/DVD blocking driver will not be installed with default installation. (It can be loaded after installation, if required, by using parameter instscan.exe /Instcd )
 +# Excel reporting format added in EMC.
 +# Screen capturing added, only available with eScan security for windows (swn2k3ek.exe).
 +# Option to set the Archive Depth Level added in File Anti-virus settings.(Not available for deploymnet)
 +# Scan archive option can be set in eScan Protection Center settings for ODS. (Not available for deploymnet)
 +# A separate Exclude List for ODS can now be set in eScan Protection Center settings. With this exclude folders/files/drives can be set differently for online and offline scanning.(Not available for deploymnet)
 +# In eScan AV for Windows product, USB & CD/DVD will be scanned on mount.
 +# If the system is restarted when a scheduled scan is in progress, entire scan will resume on next start. (This will not be applicaple if schedule scan is set during system startup)
 +# Time restriction added for Application control. (Not available in deployment)
 +# Time restriction will work considering the system time available at startup. This means even if the system time/date is manually modified, the time restriction module will consider the time/date which was available at startup.
 +# In Non-admin mode no password prompt will be shown for opening of EPC. It will open in read-only mode by default.

Revision as of 08:53, 23 December 2011

eScan version 11


Release Notes for  Image:escan-g.jpg Version 11.0.1139.1113 (Date:-21-December-2011)

  1. CD/DVD blocking driver will not be installed with default installation. (It can be loaded after installation, if required, by using parameter instscan.exe /Instcd )
  2. Excel reporting format added in EMC.
  3. Screen capturing added, only available with eScan security for windows (swn2k3ek.exe).
  4. Option to set the Archive Depth Level added in File Anti-virus settings.(Not available for deploymnet)
  5. Scan archive option can be set in eScan Protection Center settings for ODS. (Not available for deploymnet)
  6. A separate Exclude List for ODS can now be set in eScan Protection Center settings. With this exclude folders/files/drives can be set differently for online and offline scanning.(Not available for deploymnet)
  7. In eScan AV for Windows product, USB & CD/DVD will be scanned on mount.
  8. If the system is restarted when a scheduled scan is in progress, entire scan will resume on next start. (This will not be applicaple if schedule scan is set during system startup)
  9. Time restriction added for Application control. (Not available in deployment)
  10. Time restriction will work considering the system time available at startup. This means even if the system time/date is manually modified, the time restriction module will consider the time/date which was available at startup.
  11. In Non-admin mode no password prompt will be shown for opening of EPC. It will open in read-only mode by default.

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