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Anti-Theft (Disabled)

To activate the anti-theft feature on your system, you need to register and add your system on to the eScan Anti-theft Portal. The first time ever you open the feature on your windows system, it will ask you to create an account on the anti-theft portal and login with the same credentials on your system.



If you already have anti-theft portal login details for Android or iOS, you can use the same user details for windows system as well. If you already have an account refer step 7 of the section Steps for Creating New Account.

Steps for Creating New Account

  1. Click Anti-Theft from the Tools option on the Quick Access Link and a window Anti-Theft will open.

  1. Click Sign In and enter your login details if you already have an account or click the Sign up now to create an account; you will be redirected to My eScan login page.

  1. Click Create new account link on this page and enter your details and click Register.

The following message will be displayed on screen.

  1. You will receive an email on your registered email address with the following message; click on the confirm account link or copy paste the link in your browser.

  1. A confirmation as in the below image will be displayed on screen. Click on the Here link to go  back to the login page.

  1. Now login on the system with the same credentials through eScan GUI.

  1. After logging in, anti-theft window will be displayed.

  1. Click Add button on this page, a new window Add files and folders will open, select the object type (whether you want to add files or folders) on this window and click Browse.

  1. On the Open window, you can select the drive, directory and files and folders and click OK.

  1. You will be redirected to Add files and folders window, Click Add on this window to add the files and folders to the list. 

The files/folders added to the list will be displayed. You will have to add the files and folders that have any kind of confidential information, these files and folders will be remotely deleted from the anti-theft portal in case of loss or theft.

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