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Web Protection

This section provides the description of eScan's Web Protection and the various settings available in this feature.



Web Protection prevents viruses from penetrating your system during your online activities.

Lo stato nella finestra principale del Centro di Protezione

Il segno di spunta verde (√) indica che il modulo Controllo Contenuti è attivo e in esecuzione.

La croce di colore rosso (X) indica che il modulo Controllo Contenuti non è abilitato ed è fermato.

Configuration section


Web Protection Status – This will display the status of Web Protection either in Running or Disabled mode.
Selected Profile – This will display the User Profile selected.

Stop / Start buttons – Clicking stop / start button will disable or enable the Web Protection.
Settings button – To configure the Web Protection for web traffic/ access control click on the Settings button.

I. Select User Profile – This contains the various categories defined by MicroWorld, for controlling the access level to different web-sites for various types of users i.e. children to adult.

  1. Walled Garden – This profile blocks all access to the net except the website in the whitelist. Recommended for children up to the age of 10. Default Status setting is Block Web Access (for more details refer to Webpage Filtering options below).
  2. Teenager – This profile blocks websites that are blacklisted and activates other filters like Webpage filter, Domain name filter, HTML Tags including page titles, Reserved word threshold of 1 and blocks all Java applets and activeX scripts except from predefined sites list.Recommended for kids in the age group of 11 to 15. Default Status setting is Block Web Access(for more details refer to Webpage Filtering options).
  3. Adolescent – This profile blocks websites that are blacklisted and activates other filters like Webpage filter, Domain name filter, HTML Tags including page titles, Reserved word threshold of 5. Default Status setting is Active (for more details refer to Webpage Filtering options). Recommended for kids in the age group of 16 to 18.
  4. Adult ( default )– This profile allows all traffic except for the websites in the blacklists. No reserved word threshold value is used. Default Status setting is Active (for more details refer to Webpage Filtering options).
The general buttons in User Profile window:
  • Activate :- This will activate the selected user profile and Web Protection will run as per the rules defined.
  • Default :- Clicking on this button, the default settings will be enabled.
  • Custom :- Clicking this buttons, users can customize the rulesets as per required.


The various Webpage Filtering option available in the User Profiles Categories for customization (when clicked on Custom) as per user requirements:

I) Filtering options
This section has pre-defined categories that help to control and block access to the Web.
Status Section:
  • Active: This option when selected will block all the websites listed in the Filter Categories where the status column shows Block.
  • Inactive: Web Protection is disabled.
  • Block Web-Access: This option when selected will block all the website access except websites listed in the Websites_Allowed Filter Categories.
Filter Categories Section:
1. Pornography – This category contains the list of sites / phrases based on pornographic contents.
2. Gambling – This category contains the list of sites / phrases based on gambling contents.
3. Chat - This category contains the list of sites / phrases based on chat contents. The words and phrases and /or sites defined can be added or deleted based on requirements.
4. Alcohol - This category contains the list of sites / phrases based on contents based / related to violence. The words and phrases and /or sites defined can be added or deleted based on requirements.
5. Violence - This category contains the list of sites / phrases based on contents based / related to violence. The words and phrases and /or sites defined can be added or deleted based on requirements.
6. Drugs - This category contains the list of sites / phrases based on contents based / related to drugs. The words and phrases and /or sites defined can be added or deleted based on requirements.
7. Ratings_block_category – This category helps to control and block access to the web and is kept open for any words/phrases and site names to be added to the words /phrases and to the site name list.
8. Websites Allowed – This category contains list of sites that are allowed to be accessed and not blocked. The site names listed within can be customized as per requirements.

Filter Options section:
Add sites rejected by the filter to lock Category - The sites that are denied access would automatically be added to the Block category database.

II) Scanning options (this option is not available in Walled Green User Profile) –
This option has many sub- features and functionalities that help to control and block access to the web.
Content Matching section
This option is helpful in controlling and blocking access to the web based on matching content and which works on different criteria:-
i. Search in Site Name - The site name or url typed would be checked if it contains any reserved words / phrases listed in the restricted or blocked categories.
ii. Search in HTML Tags - The HTML tags would be checked if it contains any reserved words / phrases listed in the restricted or blocked categories.
iii. Search in Title - The site Title would be checked if it contains any reserved words / phrases listed in the restricted or blocked categories.
iv. Search in Page Text - The website’s text / page would be checked if it contains any reserved words/phrases listed in the restricted or blocked categories.
v. Search in Description and Keywords – The website’s description would be checked if it contains any reserved words / phrases listed in the restricted or blocked categories.
vi. Reserved Word Threshold Level - This is a threshold level/limit set that keeps a count of the number of times a reserved word/s found in the website. If the word/s have appeared as per the Threshold level value or more, the access to the web is blocked.
Actions section
i. Log Violations - All violations are logged for easy administration and for future reference. (by default this is enabled).
ii. Shutdown Program in 30 secs – If any of the rules/policies that are defined are found to be violated, then the software has a in-built functionality to automatically shutdown the program (browser) in 30 seconds
Content Type Section
i. Block Images - Images on websites will be blocked from being viewed
ii. Block Applications - Applications on websites will be blocked from being run / executed
iii. Block eMails (RFC 822) - Messages of RFC 822 would be blocked by default.
iv. Block Audio files - Audio files on websites will be blocked from being run / executed.
v. Block Video files - Video files on websites will be blocked from being run / executed.
Rating Systems section
This sections contains rules / policies as set by the World renowned organization that cater to Content Filtering on the internet viz. RSACI, ICRA, SafeSurf.
i. RSACi (Recreational Software Advisory Council for the Internet) - Based on the work of Dr.Donal F. Roberts of Stanford University, who has studied the effects of media for nearly 20 years. Is a rating service of websites for content on the Internet.
ii. ICRA (Internet Content Rating Association) - Is a global, cross-cultural rating and filtering service of websites for content on the Internet.
iii. SafeSurf - Designed with inputs from thousand of parents and Net Citizens to empower each family to make informed choice related to the online content.
Advance Button –
  • Set Ratings - Clicking on this button can customize the level of the Ratings Systems to be configured.
ActiveX Blocking Section
An ActiveX control is similar to a Java applet. An ActiveX control can be automatically downloaded and executed by a Web browser. But, there is also a risk that this may damage software or data on your system.
i. Java Applets – Selecting this option will block the downloading and execution of Java Applets from the internet.
Java is a programming language from Sun Microsystems and in which an applet is written, it can be included in an HTML page, much in the same way an image is included in a page. When you use a Java technology-enabled browser to view a page that contains an applet, the applet’s code is transferred to your system and executed by the browser. For example - to enhance interactive control, primarily in Web browsers and other network-oriented interactive software applications.
ii. Scripts (Java and VB) – Selecting this option will block downloading and execution of Scripts from the internet.
Is a list of commands that can be executed without user interaction, to automate certain application tasks or to work in a particular computing environment/scenario. So, when any script be it Java or VB (Visual Basic) is found to contain any malicious code, it is blocked.
iii. Check for virus (default) - This option scans and blocks all activities carried out while browsing (reading of data on the website, downloading the files, etc...) if found to contain any malicious code.

Port Setting section
Internet Access (HTTP Port) - 80,8080,3128,6588,4480,88. (predefined commonly used ports for Internet access by browsers).
This will contain the ports used for web-access that will be monitored by Web Protection.

III) Define Time-Restriction
This option helps to customize the access to the web / internet. Here a time restriction can be defined in-order for the Web-Protection policies will be applied.

IV) Popup Filtering section
This option enables in blocking popup’s from a Website
Notification Section
This section alerts / notifies the user when a popup is blocked from a Website.
i. Block Popup - This option when enabled will block pop-ups from websites.
ii. Beep via PC Speaker - This option when enabled would beep (makes a sound) when a popup is encountered and blocked.
iii. Play Sound - This option when enabled will play a selected sound when a popup is encountered and filtered/blocked. Clicking on the Sound file button can customize the required sound file to be played.
White List Section
This section contains white listed website internet address, from where pop-ups would not be blocked by Web-Protection’s Pop-up filter.

  • Add - This option enables the user or administrator to add a website to the White List so that the next time when this website is accessed, popup’s appear, are visible.
  • Delete - This option enables the user or administrator to delete a website from the White List so that the next time when the same website is accessed, it gets filtered /blocked.
  • Remove All - This option enables the user or administrator to remove all listed websites from the White List so that when any of these websites are being accessed and a popup tries to appear, they are filtered /blocked.
  • Browse - This option enables the user to browse any of the listed websites in the White List.

Violation Logs section
All activity related to popup’s (allowed /blocked) is logged for future reference.
1. Log Violations - All violations that occured are logged for future reference like for which user the popup was blocked along with date & time, website(url) address.
  • Add to White List – Clicking on this button enables the user or administrator to add the violated (blocked) popup website to the White (allowed) list.
  • Clear Log - This option will clear the log file completely (empty).
  • Browse - This option enables the user to browse the listed websites.
  • Refresh Log - This option refreshes the logs and displays the latest status.
  • Hot Key - Allows you to assign a key that when kept pressed temporarily allows popup’s on the website being accessed.

Reports section

  • Total Sites Scanned – Total websites scanned by Web Protection..
  • Total Sites Blocked – Total web sites blocked by Web Protection.
  • Last Site Scanned – Name of the last site scanned by Web Protection.

a. View Web Protection Log - This displays the web scan activity done on the system in detail like the user, date and time, url, reason, word, etc…on which the violation was found.
b. View Popup Filter Log – This displays the popup scan activity done on the system in detail like the user, date and time, url, reason, word, etc…on which the violation was found.
c. View Report – This will provide a detail report for Web Protection containing informations about websites allowed and blocked.


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