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eScan Version 11 (and above) Online Help



Outbreak Notifications

You can configure settings for sending notification when Virus count exceeds the limit defined by you. It can be done using the following simple steps –.

User Interface

The Outbreak Notifications page is displayed when you click Outbreak Notification in the navigation bar. This page displays the settings for controlling the number of times eScan should send e-mail alerts during the specified number of days.

Configuring Outbreak Notification Settings

You can use the Outbreak Notifications page to configure the frequency of outbreak alert notifications. To enable alerts, you should ensure that the Send notification for viruses detected exceed the following number within the shown time check box is enabled. You can then specify the number of times the eScan Server should send alerts for the specified number of days.
The steps to configure the outbreak notification settings are as follows:
1. Click Outbreak Notifications in the Navigation panel of eScan Management Console.
2. Define the criteria for Outbreak Alert and Notification settings in the respective fields
present on the interface and click Save.
3. Settings will be saved and notification mails will be sent to the defined recipients
whenever the Virus count exceeds the defined Limit.
4. To save the settings, click Save.

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