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This module lets you configure notifications for different actions/incidents that occur on the server. The Notifications module consists following submodules:

  • Outbreak Alert
  • Event Alert
  • Unlicensed Move Alert
  • New Computer Alert
  • Configure SIEM
  • SMTP Settings

Outbreak Alert

If the virus count exceeds the limits set by you, an outbreak email notification will be sent to the recipient.
To set an outbreak alert, follow the steps given below:

  1. In the navigation panel, click Notifications > Outbreak Alert.
    Outbreak Notification screen appears.
  2. Select the checkbox Send notification.
  3. Enter the preferred values in Number and Time Limit field.
  4. Click Save. Outbreak Alert Settings will be saved.


In order to receive notification emails, it is necessary to configure SMTP settings.
Learn more about SMTP Settings in the SMTP Settings

Unlicensed Move Alert

This submodule lets you enable notification alert when a computer automatically moves to Unlicensed Computers category based on the setting done (under events and computers) for the computer which is not connected to the server for a long time.
To enable the unlicensed move alert,

  1. In the navigation panel, click Notifications > Unlicensed Move Alert.
  2. Select the check box Send notification for unlicensed computers.
  3. Click Save.
    The Unlicensed Move Alert Settings will be saved.

New Computer Alert

This submodule lets eScan send you a notification alert when a new computer is connected to the server within the IP range mentioned under the Managed Computers.
To enable the new computer alert, follow the steps given below:

  1. In the navigation panel, click Notifications > New Computer Alert.
  2. Select the checkbox Send new Computers added notification within the shown time.
  3. Enter the preferred values in Time limit field.
  4. Click Save.
    The New Computer Alert Settings will be saved.

Configure SIEM

SIEM technology provides real-time management of security events generated for hardware changes and applications installed/uninstalled/upgraded where eScan is installed. eScan is equipped with variety of features that facilitate real-time monitoring, correlating captured events, notifications and console views and provides long-term storage, analysis and reporting of data.
To configure SIEM, follow the steps given below:

  1. In the navigation panel, click Notification > Configure SIEM.
  2. Select the Enable event forward to SIEM/SYSLOG Server checkbox.
  3. After selecting the checkbox, it will enable the rest of the options that can be configured. You can enter the details of the SIEM/SYSLOG Server.
  4. Click Save.
    The SIEM settings will be saved.

SMTP Settings

This submodule lets you configure the SMTP settings for all the email notifications.
To configure the SMTP settings, follow the steps given below:

  1. In the navigation panel, click Notifications > SMTP Settings.
  2. Enter all the details.
  3. Click Save.
    The SMTP Settings will be saved.

To test the newly saved settings, click Test.

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