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eScan version 11 installation parameter


NOTE: The below parameters can be used for eScan Version 11 Installation through command prompt.

  • /s  : Silent installation
  [ For Silent installation of eScan setup, we can use parameter /s . 
( eg:- iwn2k3ek.exe /s )]

  • /Autoreboot=1 : Auto reboot after installation without dialog box
  [ For Reboot without dialog box, parameter /Autoreboot=1 can be used 
( eg:- iwn2k3ek.exe /Autoreboot=1 )]

  • /dialog=0  : Not to reboot automatically and not to display dialog box
  [ For not to reboot automatically and not to display dialog box too, parameter 
/dialog=0 can be used ( eg:- iwn2k3ek.exe /dialog=0 )]

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