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MailScan - FAQ's



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  1. I receive lots of SPAM emails which is not detected by Mailscan. How can I update the MailScan Anti-Spam database?
  2. How do I get cummulative updates for escan & mailscan.
  3. Possible looping error shown in MailScan for SMTP.
  4. Is there any utility to add multiple email ids in Auto-Spam White list in Mailscan?
  5. How to exclude users from MailScan warning list ?
  6. How can I configure MailScan to avoid deletion of Microsoft Office attachments ?
  7. After Installing MailScan, users/recepients start receiving the notification emails with "Subject: MailScan found an email having Virus or objectionable content!?"

  1. I receive lots of SPAM emails which is not detected by Mailscan. How can I update the eScan Anti-Spam database???


Forward the emails considered to be spam to After the Lab analysis of the email, we shall update our Antispam database and will be available in our next daily updates.

NOTE: Select the "Forward as an attachment" option in your email clients to send the email.
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  1. How do I get cummulative updates for escan & mailscan?


    a. ESUPDATEBD for eScan version 10.x and MailScan 6.x is a cumulative update of the latest signatures. It is for users who do not have access to the network or internet to download daily updates for eScan / MailScan. When you download this file and run it, it will update the eScan's / MailScan's signature database.

    Please Note: Signatures included in the esupdatebd.exe are only applicable for eScan Version 10.x and MailScan 6.x.

     Download Link for esupdateBD


    b. ESUPDATE for eScan Version 9.x and MailScan 5.x is a cumulative update of the latest signatures. It is for users who do not have access to the network or internet to download daily updates for eScan / MailScan. When you download this file and run it, it updates the eScan's / MailScan's signature database.

    Please Note: Signatures included in the esupdate.exe are only applicable for eScan Version 9x and MailScan 5x

     Download Link for esupdate


  2. Possible looping error shown in MailScan for SMTP.

    This happens when you send an email to a domain, and the MX record for that domain is listed as

    For example, if you send mail to, SMTP will show you this error message.
    To verify this,

    >set type=mx

    If you notice, the mail exchanger (mx) is listed as Hence the looping error is shown by MS for SMTP.

    Download latest SMTP.EXE (version and above) (click here to download the SMTP.EXE) and overwrite the old SMTP.EXE (in %MailScan% folder) with the new one. In this new version, the error message is NOT shown and the mail will be bounced back to the sender.

  3. Is there any utility to add multiple email ids in Auto-Spam White list in Mailscan?

    Yes. We have a utility called "vereml" which will import all the email ids in auto-spam whitelist. It is a command line utility, to use it you have to go to command prompt and then go to the location of this file and type vereml and press enter. This will give you all the parameters to import the users in auto-spam whitelist. Click here to download the VEREML UTILITY

    (NOTE: Copy the VEREML utility to the \program files\mailscan folder)

  4. How to exclude users from MailScan Warning list ?

    To be done only on MailScan machine

    a. Go to the Command prompt. Click on Start >> Run >> cmd
    b. Go to C:\Program files\MailScan folder
    c. Type the command killproc Mailscan.exe and press Enter
    d. Rename the file Mailscan.exe to Mailscan.old
    e. Download the file from the link:
    f. Copy the new Mailscan.exe to C:\Program files\MailScan folder
    g. Open the Mailscan.ini file and add a entry under the [general] section
    WarningsIgnoreList=<list of email ids to which no warnings should be sent> (comma seperated)
    h. Save the changes made to the file.
    i. Restart the MailScan service from services.msc.

    With these changes the warning messages from Mailscan will not be sent to the users added to the "WarningsIgnoreList".

  5. How can I configure MailScan to avoid deletion of Microsoft Office attachments?

    To be done only on MailScan machine

    a. Go to the Command prompt. Click on Start >> Run >> cmd
    b. Go to C:\Program files\MailScan folder
    c. Type the command killproc Mailscan.exe and press Enter
    d. Rename the file Mailscan.exe to Mailscan.old
    e. Download the file from the link:
    f. Copy the new Mailscan.exe to C:\Program files\MailScan folder
    g. Restart the MailScan service from services.msc

    With these changes MailScan will not delete any Microsoft Office attachments.

  6. After Installing MailScan, users/recepients receive a notification emails with :

    Subject: MailScan found an email having Virus or objectionable content!
    Email removed at the SMTP/POP3 Gateway for one of the following reasons.
    1. It had a virus.
    2. It had objectionable content.
    3. The sender email-id was banned.
    4. The email itself was corrupted.
    We apologise for any inconvenience.

    This notification message received is by design in MailScan.

    When a mail is downloaded by a Mail Server, it is scanned by MailScan at the Transport Layer of the OSI and then delivered to the mail server. During the scanning process, if the mail has any Restricted Attachments / Viruses, it is either deleted or forwarded to the Administrator by MailScan. Since the mail server has initiated and established the connection to download the mails, it has to receive a mail to complete the connection session. Hence, MailScan has to generate this notification to avoid the application from being crashed.

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