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eScan License Keys

  1. After applying the eScan License Key, the "Invalid License Key" message pops up
  2. I am getting this message "Incorrect System Date! Please Check your system Date and Time" when applying the license key
  3. When adding the eScan key I get the message "Key Already exists".
  4. I am getting the message "Activation failed! Please check your proxy-settings and try again later"
  5. License key was already activated elsewhere or the key does not belong to this computer
  6. Invalid License Key! Please Check your System Date and Time
  7. Whenever I apply the eScan License key I get this message "Key not present in our database".
  8. Message: Sorry! another Standard Key can not be added before activating the existing Standard KeyKey not present in our database
  9. Why am I getting "Invalid Activation Code" when I apply the eScan Activation Code?
  10. I am getting the message "This License Key is for Version 9x. To upgrade to Version 10 / Version 11, Please type the following link in your internet browser [ Version Upgrade] or email to" after upgrading to eScan 10 / eScan 11 Version.
  11. What is 60 characters Activation Code?
  12. Is it possible to uninstall eScan on a computer and install on another computer, using same license? If possible, please what are the steps, since the activation code is needed and I don't know where to find it?

  1. After applying the eScan License Key, the "Invalid License Key" message pops up


The above message could be for any of the below reasons:

a. Length of standard key or activation code is not equal to 37.
b. After decoding standard key if number of months is greater than 120 .i.e. 10 yrs.
c. eScan ISS key has been issued and user enters eScan for Antivirus key .i.e.different product.
d. Client is registering online and he has an invalid standard key.
e. Unable to decode the key.
f. Key has expired.
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  1. I am getting this message "Incorrect System Date! Please Check your system Date and Time" when applying the license key

    This could happen if the system/computer date was wrongly set to a date other then the current date.
    In such cases we request the customers to send c:\program files\escan\log\Evallic.log and c:\program files\escan\License.ini files to
    Register will then provide "LicFix.exe" and will delete the activation details from our database.
    Customer has to just run LicFix.exe and then activate the same system Online.

  2. When adding the eScan key I get the message "Key Already exists".

    Key entered by user is already present in license.ini but not as a registered key.

  3. I am getting the message "Activation failed! Please check your proxy-settings and try again later"

    This could be due to improper internet connection settings. To check and change the internet connection
    a. Open the eScan Protection Center,
    b. Go to Update and click on Settings. Make the necessary changes for internet connection.

  4. License key was already activated elsewhere or the key does not belong to this computer.

    The Standard key that you are trying to activate online has been Online activated on DIFFERENT machine.
    In case you have changed any Internal hardware of the machine then please mention the details of the changes that you have made and mail the registration details by email/fax procedure to so that we can check the details further and provide you the activation code.
    Note :To know Procedure for Applying and Activating the eScan license key Please Click here

  5. Invalid License Key! Please Check your System Date and Time

    When you try to activate the key online ,the system date is incorrect.You can change the system date to correct date and then try to activate the key.

  6. Whenever I apply the eScan License key I get this message "Key not present in our database".

    If the 30 character key has some character mismatch then this can happen. You can mail the registration details by email/fax procedure to so that we can check the details further and provide you the Correct standard key and the correct activation code.
    Note :To know Procedure for Applying and Activating the eScan license key Please Click here

  7. Message: Sorry! another Standard Key can not be added before activating the existing Standard Key Or Key not present in our database!

    If the previous entered Standard keys are not activated and client tries to get add another standard key. Activate the previously added standard key.

  8. Why am I getting "Invalid Activation Code" when I apply the eScan Activation Code?

    The activation code that you have is incorrect.You can mail the registration details by email/fax procedure to so that we can check the details further and provide you the Correct activation code.
    Note :To know Procedure for Applying and Activating the eScan license key Please Click here

  9. I am getting the message "This License Key is for Version 9x. To upgrade to Version 10 / Version 11, Please type the following link in your internet browser Version Upgrade or email to" after upgrading to eScan 10 / eScan 11 Version.


    There may be two possibilities

    • The standard key entered might be of eScan version 9
    • Incorrect edition of eScan installed on your system. Please check the product name of eScan purchased. If you have no details about your purchased product. Please contact Support and provide your license key. Also you can join Online Chat for further help

  10. What is 60 characters Activation Code?

    60 characters Activation code is received after applying the Standard eScan License key.

    The activation code which is refered as 60 characters includes the Hyphens in between the characters.

    Also See:-
  11. Is it possible to uninstall eScan on a computer and install on another computer, using same license? If possible, please what are the steps, since the activation code is needed and I don't know where to find it?

    If you have to transfer an eScan license key from one system to another system, send a request to for deactivation of the eScan license key. Once you get the confirmation from register, then you can use the same eScan license key and activate on the another system.

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