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Microsoft Windows

  1. How to start the windows registry editor?
  2. How to take the backup of windows registry?
  3. How can I schedule check disk in windows ?
  4. How to Schedule Checkdisk through command prompt?
  5. After eScan installation not able to access shared folders on remote machine. Its asking for password

  1. How to start the windows registry editor?


To start the Windows Registry Editor:

  • Click on Start

  • Click on Run. In the Run box type regedit. And press OK button.

  • Windows Registry Editior

Important:- Before editing the Windows Regisrty it is advisable to take backup of the regisrty.

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  1. How to take the backup of windows registry?


    • Select Win9X/NT4 Registration File (*.reg)
    • Type the file name and select the destination folder and click “Save”
    • Backup file with extension “.reg” is saved
    • When you need to undo changes, just click on backuped reg file and original values will be written back into registry.

  2. How can I schedule check disk in windows ?

    a. Open My Computer.
    b. Select the Hard disk Partition on which eScan is installed.
    c. Right click on it and click on properties.
    d. Go to Tools tab, click on check now button under Error-checking category.
    e. It will prompt check disk options. Select option (a) Automatically fix file system errors and click on start button.
    f. It will then start a checkdisk utility. If it prompts you that Windows was unable to complete the disk check, then click on
    OK button. It will prompt you next message to schedule the check disk for the next reboot. Then simply click on Yes button.
    g. If it doesn't prompt that message then again follow the above steps starting from 4th Step
    h. And once it scheduled the disk check, Please click on OK button, to close the properties window.
    i. Now restart the computer and let the check disk complete.


  3. How to Schedule Checkdisk through command prompt??

    • Click on Start

    • Click on Run. In the Run box type cmd. And press OK button.

    • It will than open command prompt

    • Now type chkdsk /f. And press Enter on your keyboard

    • It will show you message Chkdsk cannot run because the volume is in use..... Just press y and then press Enter on your keyboard

    • Finally it will schedule the checkdisk for next reboot

    • Now restart the computer and let the checkdisk complete.

  4. After installing eScan, we are not able to access the shared drives/folders/printers, when am trying to access the network shares, it asks for a password. What could be the problem?

    Note: This could happen when administrator password is not set. i.e. set to blank.

    To overcome this problem you may select any of the below mentioned procedures.

    A: Either set the Administrator passwords on the machine.
    a. Goto remote machine side and then click on Start>>Run, type control userpasswords2 and press enter.
    b. Click on Advanced Tab >> Advanced (Button) [ under 'Advanced user management' ]
    c. Now click on users and then select Administrator from right hand side and Right-Click on it.
    d. Select Set Password , click on proceed and then mention the desired password and re-enter the same and then click OK button.
    e. Now come again on the system from where you want to access the shared folder. Try to access the shared folder from run window like : \\192.168.x.x and press enter. Now feed the username as a administrator and the password which you set on the remote machine.
    f. This will now allow you to access the remote machine.


    B: Follow the below mentioned procedure.
    a. Goto Start>>Run, type secpol.msc, click on OK button.
    b. Now click on Local Policies >> Security Options
    c. On the Right hand side change the value of the entry, "Accounts: Limit local account use of blank passwords to console logon only" to Enabled.
    d. Also change the value of the entry, "Network Access: Sharing and Security Model for Local accounts" to Classic - local users authenticate as themselves

    Note: But in case of HOME / SOHO products, value of Network Access: Sharing and Security Model for Local accounts should be Guest only - local users authenticate as Guests

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