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eScan - FAQ's


Q.How does Client Live Updater in eScan Management Console work?

A. The Parent/Primary server will get live event alerts, like processes executed on the client system, in the Client Live Updater tab of the eScan Management console.It will receive live alerts from:

  1. Client belonging to Parent/Primary server.
  2. Secondary/Child server
  3. Client of Secondary/Child server. (these client alert will also be available in the Secondary/Child server)

Overall, such event alerts in a network can be viewed from Primary/Parent server.


Alerts can be customized as per the Event ID generated by Live Alert:

  • Open the Eupdate.ini file from \Program files\eScan folder and search for the below entries:


(This entry will stop / ignore a particular event id to be broadcasted from the client system to the eScan server. Note:-The settings should be done on the system of which the event is required to be stopped).

eg: IgnoreEventIds= 102,152
[The local system will not broadcast the Endpoint security (Event id=102) & File AntiVirus(Event 
id=152) to the eScan Server].


(This entry will only broadcast a particular event id to the eScan Server. Note:-The settings should be done on the system of which the event is required to be broadcasted).

eg: SendOnlyEventIds=102,152
The local system will broadcast only the Endpoint security (Event id=102) & File AntiVirus(Event 
id=152)events to the eScan Server). 


(This entry is valid for stopping the broadcast of a particular event alerts from one eScan server to another eScan Server. For instance from a secondary eScan server to a primary eScan server. Note:-The settings should be done on the system of the eScan server of which the event is required to stopped).



(This entry is valid for broadcasting a paritcular event alerts only from one eScan server to another eScan Server. Note:-The settings should be done on the local system of the eScan server of which the event is required to be broadcasted).

For multiple event id's to be added in the above entry (,)as a separator should be used.

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