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eScan - FAQ


Q. How can I configure my system to block eScan Popups?


When eScan intercept a virus or downloads updates, it gives a popup. This might be sometimes annoying, for this reason, we have given a facility to block all popups.

Configuring Popup Block:

1. Run regedit.exe, Go to


(Refer: - FAQ - How to start the windows registry editor?)

2. On the right hand side, select the DWORD

MWErrorMode = DWORD

You can specify the below DWORD value to block the related popups.

Stop all popup block = 1 (decimal)
Start all Web Protection popup = 2 (decimal)       - all other pop up will be stopped
Start all Avpmtray popup = 4 (decimal)             - all other pop up will be stopped
Start MailScan popup = 8 (decimal)	           - all other pop up will be stopped
Start License related popup = 16 (decimal)	   - all other pop up will be stopped
Start USB Popup = 32 (decimal)		           - all other pop up will be stopped
Start Firewall popup = 128 (decimal)		   - all other pop up will be stopped
Start trayicos popup = 256 (decimal)		   - all other pop up will be stopped
Start trayicoc popup = 512 (decimal)		   - all other pop up will be stopped
Start download.exe popup = 1024 (decimal)	   - all other pop up will be stopped
Start Application Control popup = 2048 (decimal)   - all other pop up will be stopped

Important Note:

If you want to start two or more popups together, then you need to add all the values for it to work.

For Example: Application Control popup value = 2048 & econceal firewall popup value = 128, then you have to add both of these values:
2048 + 128 = 2176 for Application Control popup and Firewall popup to work together.

Deploying from eScan Server to all clients:

1. On the eScan server, export registry entry


as errormode.reg to the desktop.

(Ref: FAQ - How to take the backup of windows registry?)

2. Edit the errormode.reg with notepad. Only keep the following entries:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

Note: The data value of the MWErrorMode entry will depend upon the settings required
For Example: If you want to block all the pop-up except the USB pop-up, the value will be 20 (Hexadecimal) or 32 (Decimal).

3. Copy this file in C:\pub\update folder of the eScan server.

Now when the client computer takes the download from eScan server the errormode.reg will be downloaded and the changes will be applied to the eScan clients.

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