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eScan - FAQ


Q. How can I change the port settings for my eScan server and deploy it using the eScan management console (EMC)?


The eScan Server mainly uses three ports:

  1. HTTP port - used to query for virus definition updates.
  2. FTP port – used to deliver updates to client.
  3. UDP port – used to broadcast announcement to its clients.

Note: You can change the eScan Server HTTP and FTP port settings in EMC.

To change the port settings for eScan server

  1. Open eScan Management Console >> Go to Services, click on "Stop Announcement' and then shutdown the eScan management console.
  2. Open the file Eserv.ini from the location C:\Program Files\eScan
  3. Find the entry for FTPPort=xxxx and HTTPPort=xxxx
  4. Change the port entries to the new desired value and save the file.
  5. Start the eScan Management console, by Clicking on Start >> Program files >> eScan for Windows >> eScan management console.

One can deploy the port settings to the client. To deploy the port settings use the below steps:

1. Open eScan Management Console >> Go to Services >> EMC settings >> check the box Enable Advanced Settings in ‘Deploy Rule – Sets’ wizard, if it is unchecked, this will enable Advanced feature while deploying. Close the window once done.
2. Then click on Services >> Deploy Rule – Set >> Create New Policy >> click Advanced >> Check the box “eScan Auto-Updater Settings” >> click Edit >> Add
3. For HTTP host add the value
  http://<eScan-Server-IP>:<New HTTP port number>
Please note the Section & Keyname give in figure below must be selected.



4. For FTP host add the value
   ftp://<eScan-Server-IP>:<New FTP port number>
Please note the Section & Keyname give in figure below must be selected.



5. Deploy these setting on all clients.
Note: If clients are not getting updates after changing the port on server, we need to deploy the setting as described above & force the clients to take updates with the features available in EMC.

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