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eScan - Troubleshooting


Q. I am getting eScan dump error in eScan version 10.

Solution:- If you happen to face eScan dump error problem, make sure that you try to reproduce it. If it is reproducible, please do the following settings:

  1. Go to regedit
  2. HKLM/Software/Microworld/eScan for windows/Mwmonitor ==> Change the value of Reg_Dword debug = 1
  3. Disable & Enable the Monitor once.
  4. Then try to reproduce the problem.
  5. If it gets reproduce hard boot the system.
  6. Start the system in SAFE MODE.
  7. DO NOT start the system in normal mode, otherwise the logs will get deleted.
  8. After booting in safe mode, go to c:\program files\escan\log folder.
  9. Copy monvir.log file to some other location other than c:\program files\escan\log folder.
  10. Send that file to us at along with the steps you followed to reproduce the problem.

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