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eScan - Troubleshooting


Q. DOS Based Application sometimes doesn't work after installing eScan,But when we uninstall eScan it start working. How to resolve this?


This is due to the error messasge with CLOSE and IGNORE button doesn't get displayed after we install escan. The DOS Application inspite of this error message also generates an event ID & due to this DOS Application doesn't start.

To resolve this make the below changes in the Windows Registry

ErrorMode Reg_Dword
Change the Value Data to 0

The following are the parameters:

This is the default operating mode that serializes the errors and waits for a response. 
If the error does not come from the system, this is the normal operating mode. If the error comes  
from the system, this logs the error to the event log and returns OK to the hard error. No 
intervention is required and the popup is not seen. 
This always logs the error to the event log and returns OK to the hard error. Popups are not seen

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