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eScan - Troubleshooting


Q. How to debug updates related problem?


Make sure you have defined the correct internet settings under eScan protection center > Update tab.

To debug update/signature related problem, refer to the Download.log and Autoftp.log.

Download.log – will hold all the information of files which have been downloaded currently or previously. If any of the downloaded file has * mark at the end of the file, which means that file is not downloaded properly or it is corrupt. Please report this problem immediately at

Autoftp.log – This file hold the information whether eScan downloader is invoked or not after particular time.

If you have direct internet connection, you should not face any difficulty. But if you are not able to download the updates even though you have direct internet connection, follow the below steps to debug the problem:

  1. open eupdate.ini file from c:\program files\escan folder in your favorite file editor.
  2. Under [General] section add these two line
    1. Debug=10
    2. Debuglevel=10
  3. Under [Config] section add these two line
    1. Debug=10
    2. Debuglevel=10
  4. Save this file.
  5. Go to start > run > and type cmd
  6. Then go to c:\program files\escan folder
  7. And type killproc trayicos.exe (in case if eScan is installed as server) or else type killproc trayicoc.exe and press enter.
  8. Then type trayicos.exe (If eScan is installed as server) or else trayicoc.exe and press enter.
  9. Then go to c:\program files\escan\log folder and open autoftp.log file

This file will give the indication whether eScan downloader is able to get the correct information from the download servers of MWTI or not.

Same settings can be followed even if you have Proxy server.

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