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eScan - Troubleshooting


Backup failing on Windows 2003 server with Service Pack 2 with eScan installed.

Solution: Windows 2003 uses the back-ground process of savefs.exe to start the backup task. This process, though excluded for binding from eScan's Transport Service Provider (MWTSP), was causing an issue with the task. This issue was happening because MWTSP will try to mark all socket operations as Over-Lapped sockets. Though this marking shouldn't generally affect any operation, the backup task itself was failing with this setting.

With the new hotfix, whenever the backup task runs, the sockets it creates wont be marked as Over-Lapped sockets.

Furthermore, a setting in MAILSCAN.INI (mailscan.ini file will be in \Program files\eScan folder), [general] section(, ChangeFlags = 1, has also been provided in order to exclude OverLapped sockets settings for all tasks. Default value is 1. Set this to 0 in order to avoid marking all socket operations as Over-Lapped Sockets.

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