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eScan Version 10 Online Help

Endpoint Security



Endpoint Security protects from threats that can infect through your system endpoints like USB based portable devices and application control.

Status in main Protection Center Window

The green colored Tick (√) mark indicates the Endpoint Security is active and running.

The red colored Cross mark (X) indicates the Endpoint Security is inactive and stopped.

Configuration section

Endpoint Security Status - This will display the status of the Endpoint Security in Running or Disabled mode.
Stop / Start buttons Clicking stop / start button will disable or enable the Endpoint Securiy.

Settings button – To configure the Endpoint Security for real time monitoring click on the Settings button.

I. Application Control
This option helps in controlling the execution of any applications (programs) on the system.

A. Enable Application Control Section - To enable Application Control monitoring click on the Check box provided. To disable Application Control monitoring, uncheck on the Check box.
i. Enter Application to Block – To block an application / executable file from being executed in the system, add the name of the executable or click on Browse button to locate the file and then click on Block.
List of Blocked applications contains list of blocked executables under categories predefined by MicroWorld as well as lists defined by user under the category Custom Group.
Predefined categories:
  • Computer Games – This category contains the list of Computer game programs, which are blocked by default.
  • Instant Messengers - This category contains the list of Instant messenger programs like Yahoo Messenger, MSN Messenger etc. that are blocked by default.
  • Music Video Players - This category contains the list of Music Video Players programs, which are blocked by default.
  • P2P Applications - This category contains the list of P2P Applications, which are blocked by default.
If any of the listed applications is required to be executed, users can uncheck on the box under the DONE column. If any of the listed applications is required to be blocked, users can check on the box under the DONE column.
To entirely block / allow a Group or Category, right click and select the required options i.e. Allow This Group or Block this Group.

II. USB Control
This option helps in controlling the running /execution of any applications (programs) on the system via a USB Controlled device. This controls the execution of viruses / malwares spreading through a USB device.
A. Enable USB Control – To enable USB Control monitoring click on the Check box provided. To disable USB Control monitoring, uncheck on the Check box.
Settings - This section helps to customize the access to a USB Device and thereby control it.
  1. Ask for password – This option is enabled by default. This will prompt for a password for enabling the device to be connected to the system and to be accessed. The USB device will not be allowed to be connected or be accessed until the password is entered.Note It is recommended to keep this option enabled.
  2. Use eScan Administrator - The password will be same as for eScan Protection Center to access the USB Device.
  3. Use Other password – User can define a password to access the USB Device.
  4. Do Virus Scan - This option is enabled by default. This option when selected, will begin the virus scanning check as and when the USB Device is activated.It is recommended to keep this option enabled.
  5. Read Only - USB – This option will enable the access of USB devices in Read Only mode.
  6. Disable AutoPlay - This option will disable the auto-execution of any program as and when a USB is connected. That is autorun of USB will be disabled.

Whitelist - This section will contain the list of all the whitelisted USB devices, which will be allowed to be accessed without prompting for a password.
Part 1
To whitelist a single USB device,
  1. insert the USB device, which is to be whitelisted (Note: on first time inserting the device, you will be prompted for a password),
  2. enter the password when prompted (default password would be admin or the local Microsoft Windows login password),
  3. after entering the correct password, then click on the Add button in the Whitelist section of the USB Control (refer to the USB Control of the Endpoint Security Settings in the eScan Protection Center),
  4. select the USB device to be whitelisted and click OK.
Part 2
(Note: this feature will be available only after applying the Hotfix ver. and above. Click here for eScan Hotfix)
To whitelist a group of USB device from the same manufacturer with a specific range of Serial numbers,
  1. click on the Custom button,
  2. In the Serial no. box, add a wildcard character (*) to the Serial No.
for eg.if the display shows the following:
Serial No. - 5RR917VL
Device Name - JetFlash TS2GJFV30 USB Device
then you can add as
Serial No. - 5RR9*
Device Name - JetFlash TS2GJFV30 USB Device
Serial No. - *
Device Name - JetFlash TS2GJFV30 USB Device
(This will allow all the USB device with Device name JetFlash TS2GJFV30 USB Device)
3. Click on Ok.

Reports section

  • Total Application Allowed – Total number of application allowed by Endpoint Security.
  • Total Application Blocked – Total number of application blocked by Endpoint Security.
  1. View Report – This will provide the report for Endpoint Security containing detail information of the applications that is allowed and blocked.


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