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eScan Version 11 (and above) Online Help


Setup Wizard

It guides you in step by step creation of groups, adding computers to respective groups, adding hosts from the network and installing client on the connected computer at a desired path/ location on that computer.

Note: Alternatively, on the navigation pane, click Setup Wizard module, to view the Setup Wizard screen.


Adding IP/Host

It enables you to add client to respective groups through IP/Host. Perform the following steps to add client.

  1. On the Welcome to the Setup Wizard screen.
  2. Click the Next button.
  3.  The Create Group to Manage Computers screen appears.
  4. Click the New Group button to create a new group with the name you wish to create.
  5. If you want to delete group, right-click the new group, and then click Delete.
  6. Note: You can modify or delete only the newly created groups before proceeding to the next step. You cannot modify or delete the groups that appear by default.

  7. Click the Next button.
  8.  The Add IP/ Host to respective Groups screen appears.
  9. By default, the Add IP/Host and Add Host from the unassigned Computer button appears disabled.
  10. To add client, click group name for which you want to add client, and then click Add IP/Host button.
  11.  A window appears where you can add computers through host name, IP range, and also you can remove the added computers.
  12. Click the Add button.
  13.  A window appears.
  14. In the Select Computer field, type the host name that you want to add.
  15. Click the Ok button.
  16.  The added computer appears in Add Computers list.
  17. Click the Add IP Address Range button.
  18.  A window appears where you can add IP addresses of computers that you want to add.
  19. In the Starting IP Address field, type IP address of the computer from which range you want to add. It is a mandatory field.
  20. In the Ending IP Address field, type IP address of the computer till which range you want to add. It is a mandatory field.
  21. Click the Ok button.
  22.  The added computer appears in Add Computers list.
  23. If you want to cancel the action, click the Cancel button.
  24. If you want to remove added computers, click the appropriate computer from the Add Computers list, and then click Remove.
  25.  The computer gets removed from Add Computers list.
  26. Click the Ok button.
  27.  The computers get added in their respective group.
  28. Click the Next button.
  29.  The Select Groups for Installation/Deployment screen appears.
  30. Select the appropriate check box, group on which you want to install/deploy, and then click Next button. It is mandatory to select at least one group.
  31.  The Client Configuration screen appears.
  32. Select the Auto Reboot after Install check box, if you want to auto restart the client system after installation.
  33. Select the Show Progress On Client (Only for XP/2000) check box, if you want to view installation progress on client system.
  34. Note: The option to view progress is available only on Windows XP/2000 version, operating system.

  35. Select the Install Without Firewall check box, if you want to view install eScan without Firewall module.
  36. Select the Disable auto downloading of Windows patches by eScan check box, if you do not want eScan to auto download the windows patches.
  37. In the Installation Path drop-down list, default path appears.
  38. To change path, click the Add button.
  39.  A window appears.
  40. In the Add folder field, type folder path where you want to install, and then click Add button.
  41.  The added path appears in the Installation Path drop-down list.
  42. If you want to cancel the action, click the Cancel button.
  43. Click the Next button, to install/deploy.
  44.  The Client Installation screen appears.

    Note: The computers having same or newer version of eScan are not affected.

    During the process of installation, in case any error occurs in connecting the login information details. In such a situation, you can set host configuration details for both client and group by clicking the following two options:

    • Set Host Configuration for Client(X): Click this link if you want to add the login information details for the host computer of a client. For example, X indicates the machine name. For more information on how to add the login information, refer Setting the Host Configuration section.
    • Set Host Configuration for group(X): Click this link if you want to add the login information details for the host computer of a group. For example, X indicates the machine name. For more information on how to add the login information, refer Setting the Host Configuration section.
  45. Click the Finish button.
  46.  The Dashboard appears.

Adding Host from Network Computers

It enables you to add computers from domain to respective groups. Perform the following steps to add client.

  1. Repeat the steps from 1 to 6 as given in Adding IP/Host section.
  2. To add computer from domain, click the group name for which you want to add host, and then click the Add Host from Network Computers button.
  3.  A window appears with an unmanaged computer list from where you can add computers.
  4. Select an appropriate check box, groups that you want to add, and then click Ok button.
  5.  The computers get added in their respective group.
  6. Repeat the steps from 18 to 29 as given in Adding IP/Host section.

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