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eScan Version 11(and above) Online Help





The tools pane provides you with the options for creating the ‘e Scan rescue image, downloading the latest hotfix, restoring the Windows® default settings, and contacting the ‘e Scan Remote Support.



When you click the Scan button, the tabbed page of ePC provides you with links that perform the following tasks.

Send Debug Information

You can click this link to open the Please type your Problem here! dialog box.

The Please type your Problem here! dialog box

This dialog box helps you specify the ‘e Scan-related problem and send it along with the file to ‘e Scan’s Technical Support team.

The file is a special file that contains the backup of the computer’s state. It contains all the important files that ‘e Scan requires to run correctly. When you click OK in the Please type your Problem here! dialog box, ‘e Scan creates this file and stores it in the Program Files\‘e Scan\Debug folder. The ‘e Scan Technical Support team can analyze this file to resolve the ‘e Scan related problem.
You can create a file to back up your computer’s state. Whenever you encounter a problem with your computer, you can use the file to revert to the state where your computer was working properly.

The Please type your Problem here! dialog box allows you to make the following settings.
  • Mail From - You can specify the e mail address of the sender in this box. The default From address is
  • Mail To - You can specify the e mail address of the recipient in this box. The recipient of this e mail is usually the ‘e Scan’s Technical Support team. The default address is
  • SMTP Server - You can specify the IP address of the SMTP server in this box. The default SMTP IP address is
  • SMTP Port - You can specify the port number of the SMTP port in this box. The default SMTP port number is 25.
  • User Authentication (Opt.) - You can specify the user name in this box, however adding this information is optional.
  • Authentication Password (Opt.) - You can specify the user name in this box, however adding this information is optional.
  • OK - When you click this button, the e-mail along with the file is sent to ‘e Scan’s Technical Support team.

Create eScan Rescue ISO Image File

This link helps you create a Windows® based Rescue Disk file by using the ‘e Scan Rescue File Creation Wizard. This wizard helps you create a rescue file, which will file helps you clean boot infected computers running the Windows® operating system. You can then eradicate rootkits and file infectors that cannot be cleaned in the normal Windows® mode.



Download Latest Hotfix (eScan)

When you click this hyperlink, ‘e Scan opens the MicroWorld Download Manager and starts downloading the latest hotfix for ‘e Scan. The computer should be connected to the Internet for this tool to work.

The Action section of this tool includes the following buttons.

  • Start Download - This button helps you start the download for the hotfix. By default, ‘e Scan automatically starts the download of the required hotfixes.
  • Stop Download - This button helps you stop an ongoing download.



Restore Windows Default Settings

This link helps you restore the original Windows® settings to eliminate all the modifications made by a virus attack. When you click this link, the Virus check dialog box is displayed. The system files are automatically scanned for viruses and then the system variables are set to their default values.

Download Latest Hotfix (Microsoft Windows OS)

When you click this hyperlink, ‘e Scan opens the MicroWorld Download Manager and starts downloading the latest hotfix for the Windows® operating system from the Microsoft® Web site.

eScan Remote Support

ERS works with the help of remote desktop connection, which enables ‘e Scan Support technicians to access computers from remote locations and troubleshoot issues on them. Clicking on this option will start the ERS service. To run ERS, your computer should have the latest ‘e Scan hotfix installed on it and it should be connected to the Internet.

  - To download the latest ‘e Scan hotfix, click here

To connect to ERS, perform the following steps.
1. In ePC, click Tools, and then in the Tools tabbed page, click eScan Remote Support.
2. In the License Agreement dialog box, click I accept the agreement, and then click Ok.
3. In the eScan Remote Support window, ensure that the login ID, password, and the “Ready to connect (secure connection)” message is displayed. If you get the message “Not ready. Please check your connection,” click the icon on the top right hand corner of the eScan Remote Support window, and then configure the Internet proxy settings in the Options dialog box.

4. Call the MicroWorld Technical support and provide the ID and password displayed on your eScan Remote Support window to the ‘e Scan Support Engineer.
5. After the connection is established, a pop up window displaying a message “Active Connection” is displayed.
6. The Technical Support team will assist you with your technical queries via a remote desktop connection.

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