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File Activity Report

eScan Management Console monitors and logs the file activity of the managed computers. It will display a report of the files created, copied, modified, and deleted. With this report the administrator can trace the file activities on all the managed computers. Additionally in case of a misuse of any official files can be tracked down to the user through the details captured in the report. Select and filter the report based on any of the details captured.

1.Computer Name Select this checkbox and type the desired computer name that you wish to exclude or include in the report.
2.IP Address Select this checkbox and type the desired IP Address that you wish to exclude or include in the report.
3.User nameSelect this checkbox and type the desired username that you wish to exclude or include in the report.
4.Group Select this checkbox and select the desired managed group that you would like to include or exclude in the report.
5.File Action typeSelect this check box and also select the File action type that you want to include or exclude in the report.
6.Drive typeSelect this check box and select the drive type that you want to include or exclude in the report.
7.Source File Select this option to include or exclude the source file details in the report.
8.Destination File Select this option to include or exclude the details of the destination file in the report.
9.Application Select this option to include or exclude the details of the application in the report.
10.Date Range Tick on this checkbox, if you wish to generate report between certain dates.
11.From((MM/DD/YYYY) Select the starting date for report generation.
12.To(MM/DD/YYYY) Select the Ending date for report generation.
13.Search Click this option to Filter the Log on the defined criteria.
14.ResetClick this option to reset the defined criteria for filtering.


This will allow you to export the Log report generated on this widow in the desired formats; you can easily do so by selecting the desired export option using the Drop down present on the screen, and then click Export. After the export is complete you will be informed through the following message.

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