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eScan Version 14 Online Help





Click this button, to access live chat, eScan online help, MicroWorld forum, eScan remote support, and feedback.  


  • Live Chat - You need to have internet connection, to access this feature. You can contact eScan 24 x 7 online technical support team through chat either by clicking the Live Chat button or by visiting the following link.
  • eScan online help - You need to have internet connection, to access this feature. eScan online help is located on the eScan wiki. It provides you with comprehensive information about products and features of eScan.
You can visit eScan online help pages either by clicking the eScan Online Help button or by visiting the following link.
eScan also provides you context-sensitive help, where you can find information on any specific feature while accessing the eScan you can press F1 button, then the relevant page is displayed.
  • eScan forums - You need to have internet connection, to access this feature. You can click this button to join the eScan forum and read the discussion threads on eScan.
  • eScan remote support - Click this link, if you want to access the eScan remote support for troubleshooting queries or product assistance through remote connection.
  • Feedback - Click this option to visit the eScan web site, where you can provide your feedback on various eScan products and send it to the eScan’s quality assurance team.
On upper-right corner of the screen, you can view the date, month, year, and time of when the last computer is scanned in the dd/Month/yyyy min: sec format.
It also displays the date, month, year, and time when the latest virus signatures are updated in the dd/Month/yyyy format.

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