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eScan Version 14 Online Help


Mail Anti-Virus

This section provides the description and settings of eScan's Mail Anti-Virus for scanning of emails.



Mail Anti-Virus is the second module of the eScan for ISS. This module scans all incoming and outgoing e-mails for viruses, spyware, adware, and other malicious objects. It helps you send virus warnings to client computers on the Mail Anti Virus activities. By default, Mail Anti Virus scans only the incoming e mails and attachments, but you can configure it to scan outgoing e-mails and attachments as well. Moreover, it helps you notify the sender or system administrator, whenever you receive an infected e-mail or attachment.



This page provides you with options required for configuring the module. You can configure the settings from the following 2 sections:


This section displays the following information.

- Mail Anti-Virus Status : It displays the status of whether Mail Anti-Virus module is started or stopped.

- Action : It displays the type of action set in the Mail Anti-Virus module.

Start/Stop: Click an appropriate option to enable or disable Mail Anti-Virus module.

Settings: When you click this button, the Mail Anti-Virus Settings window appears. On the Mail Anti-Virus Settings window, you have two tabs – Scan Options and Archiving which are as follows:

Note: On below the screen of all the tabs contains four buttons — Default, OK, Cancel, and Apply, which you have to use after configuring the settings based on your requirement.
- Default: Click this button to apply the default settings.
- OK: Click this button after you click the Apply button to apply the configured settings.
- Cancel: Click this button to cancel the configured settings or to close the window.
- Apply: Click this button to apply the configured settings.

  • Scan Options

This tab allows you to select the e-mails to be scanned and action that should be performed when a security threat is encountered during a scan operation.



This tab helps you configure the following settings:

- Block Attachments Types: This section provides you with a pre-defined list of file types that are often used by virus writers to embed viruses. Any e mail attachment having an extension included in this list will be blocked or deleted by eScan at the gateway level. You can add file extensions to this list as per your requirement. As a best practice, you should avoid deleting the file extensions that are present in the Block Attachments Types list by default. You can also configure advanced settings required to scan e mails for malicious code.

--> Advanced: You can click this button to open the Advanced Scan Options dialog box. This dialog box helps you configure the following advanced scanning options:

 >> Delete all Attachment in eMail if disinfection is not possible: Select this check box if you want to delete all the e mail attachments that cannot be cleaned.

 >> Delete entire eMail if disinfection is not possible: [Default] Select this check box if you want to delete the entire e mail if any attachment cannot be cleaned.

 >> Delete entire eMail if any virus is found: Select this check box if you want to delete the entire e mail if any virus is found in the email or the attachment is infected.

 >> Quarantine blocked Attachments: [Default] Select this check box if you want to quarantine the attachment if it has an extension that is blocked by eScan.

 >> Delete entire eMail if any blocked attachment is found: [Default] Select this check box if you want to delete an e mail if it contains an attachment with an extension type that is blocked by eScan.

 >> Quarantine eMail if attachments are not scanned: Select this check box if you want to quarantine an entire e mail if it contains an attachment that is not scanned by Mail Anti Virus.

 >> Quarantine Attachments if they are not scanned: Select this check box if you want to quarantine attachments that are not scanned by Mail Anti Virus.

 >> Exclude Attachments (Whitelist): This list is empty by default. You can add file names and file extensions that should not be blocked by eScan. You can also configure eScan to allow specific files even though if the file type is blocked. For example, if you have listed *.PIF in the list of blocked attachments and you need to allow an attachment with the name ABC, you can add Abc.pif to the Exclude Attachments list. Add *.PIF files in this section will allow all *.PIF to be delivered. MicroWorld recommends you to add the entire file name like ABCD.PIF.

- Action: This section helps you configure the actions to be performed on infected e mails.

--> Disinfect: [Default] Click this option if you want Mail Anti-Virus to disinfect infected e mails or attachments.

--> Delete: Click this option if you want Mail Anti-Virus to delete infected e mails or attachments.

--> Quarantine Infected Files: [Default] Select this check box if you want Mail Anti-Virus to quarantine infected e mails or attachments. The default path for storing quarantined e mails or attachments is C:\Program Files\eScan\QUARANT. However, you can specify a different path for storing quarantined files, if required.

- Port Settings for eMail: You can also specify the ports for incoming and outgoing e mails, so that eScan can scan the e mails sent or received through those ports.

--> Outgoing Mail (SMTP): [Default: 25] You need to specify a port number for SMTP.

--> Incoming Mail (POP3): [Default: 110] You need to specify a port number for POP3.

--> Scan Outgoing Mails: Select this check box if you want the Mail Anti-Virus to scan outgoing e-mails.

  • Archiving

This screen helps you configure settings for archiving e mails and e mail attachments.



The following configuration options are available on this screen:

- Archive eMails: This option helps you archive or back up all scanned e mails that you have sent or received. Mail Anti-Virus provides you with the facility of backing up your e mails to a given folder. The default path for storing archived e mails is %appdata%\MicroWorld\eScan\Archive. By default, the eMail Archive Directory field, View Archived eMails button, and Browse button appears dimmed. It is available only when you select the Archive eMails check box. Select the Archive eMails check box to specify the path of the backup folder. You can type or click the Browse button to select the path. Click the View Archived eMails button, to view the list of archived e-mails.

- Archive Attachments: Select this check box if you want to archive or back up all sent or received e mail attachments to a given folder. However, to specify the path of the backup folder, you need to select the Archive Attachments check box. By default, the Attachments Archive Directory check box, Do not Archive attachments of type check box, and Browse button appears dimmed. These fields are available only when you select the Archive Attachments check box. The default path for storing archived e-mail attachments is %AppData%\MicroWorld\eScan\Archive\Attachments. At times, you may not require e-mail attachments of a specific file type. In that case, you can excluded certain file types, such as *.VCF, *.HTM, and *.HTML, from being archived by adding them to the Do not Archive attachments of type list.


You can click this button to open the Notification Settings dialog box, which helps you configure the notification settings for the Mail Anti Virus module. By configuring this module, you can send e mails to specific recipients when malicious code is detected in an e-mail or e-mail attachment. This dialog box helps you configure the notification settings for sending alerts and warning messages to the senders or recipients of an infected message.



You can configure the following notification settings:

- Virus Alerts

--> Show Alert Dialog-box: [Default] Select this check box if you want Mail Anti-Virus to alert you when it detects a malicious object in an e-mail.

--> Attachment Removed Warning To Sender: [Default] Select this check box if you want Mail Anti-Virus to send a warning message to the sender of an infected attachment. Mail Anti-Virus sends this e-mail when it encounters a virus-infected attachment in an e-mail. The content of the e-mail that is sent is displayed in the preview box.

--> Attachment Removed Warning To Recipient: [Default] Select this check box if you want Mail Anti-Virus to send a warning message to the recipient when it removes an infected attachment. The content of the e-mail that is sent is displayed in the preview box.

--> Virus Warning To Sender: [Default] Select this check box if you want Mail Anti-Virus to send a virus-warning message to the sender. The content of the e-mail that is sent is displayed in the preview box.

--> Virus Warning To Recipient: [Default] Select this check box if you want Mail Anti-Virus to send a virus-warning message to the recipient. The content of the e-mail that is sent is displayed in the preview box.

--> Content Warning To Sender: [Default] Select this check box if you want Mail Anti-Virus to send a content warning message to the sender. The content of the e-mail that is sent is displayed in the preview box.

--> Content Warning To Recipient: [Default] Select this check box if you want Mail Anti-Virus to send a content warning message to the recipient. The content of the e-mail that is sent is displayed in the preview box.

- Warning Mails: You can configure this setting if you want Mail Anti Virus to send warning e mails and alerts to a given sender or recipient. The default sender (From field) is postmaster and the default recipient (To field) is postmaster.

- Delete Mails From User: You can configure eScan to automatically delete mails that have been sent by specific users. For this, you need to add the mail addresses of such users to the Delete Mails From User list. By default, the Delete Mails From User section fields are unavailable, it is available only when you type in some text in the Delete Mails From User field and add mail addresses.

- Reports

This section displays the following information:

--> Total Mails Scanned: It shows the total number of e-mails scanned by Mail Anti Virus on a real-time basis.

--> Total Infected Objects: It shows the total number of infected objects found by Mail Anti Virus on a real-time basis.

In addition, you can view the following reports:

View Archived Mails:

You can click this button to open the View Archived eMails window. (For more information on archived e-mail settings, refer Archived tab under Mail Anti-Virus Settings window.)

View Report:

You can click this button to open the Report for Mail Anti Virus window. This window displays the summary of infected e mails and the action taken by Mail Anti Virus on such e mails for a given range of dates in a tabular format when you click the Generate Report button.

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