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eScan Version 14 Online Help


Web Protection

This section provides the description of eScan's Web Protection and the various settings available in this feature.



Web Protection is a part of eScan’s Protection feature. This module uses highly advanced algorithms based the occurrence of specific words or phrases in the contents of the Web site to block Web sites containing

pornographic or offensive material. This feature is extremely beneficial to parents because it prevents kids from accessing Web sites containing harmful or restricted content. Administrators can also use this

feature to prevent employees from accessing non-work-related Web sites during work hours. You can configure the following settings.




Using the Web Protection Module you can create Profiles for various types of users, you can categorize them in different categories that have variable permissions for net usage and website access. For your

convenience four profiles have already been defined in eScan with different access rights and web Access control levels. A brief description of profiles:




- Walled Garden : Recommended for children up to the age of 10. This profile blocks all access to the internet.

- Teenager : Recommended for the kids in age group 11 – 15. This profile activates the following filters.

- Blacklist
-Web Page filter
-Domain name filter
-Page title filter
-Reserved word threshold of 3
-Blocks all Java applets and Active X scripts except from predefined site list

- Adolescent : Recommended for kids in age group of 16 to 18. This profile activates the following filters –

-Web Page filter
-Domain name filter
-Page title filter
-Reserved word threshold of 5

- Adult : Recommended for Adults (age more than 18). This profile allows all traffic except for the websites in black lists No reserved word threshold value is used.

Editing a Profile

  1. Select the desired profile using the drop down present on the Web Protection Settings Window.
  2. Now click on the Edit Profile option present on the interface. This will forward you to the Web Protection Window. Filtering options Tab will open on the Window.
  3. Categories listed in Red are Blocked whereas Categories listed in Green are allowed.
  4. You can Block or Allow any category either by clicking on it once or right click and block or allow a Category.
  5. For adding a site name to any of the Categories just type the name of the website that you wish to Add in field present under Site Names and click on Add button present beside it.
  6. You can create your own new category of Blocked or Allowed sites using the Add option present under Filter Categories list. Similarly you can delete any category from the list using the Del option present below the filter categories list.
  7. If you wish to Add sites that are rejected by the filter to Block list, tick on the check box present under Filter Options.

  8. Scanning Options

    Using this tab you can define settings for Active X blocking, check for Viruses and Actions to be taken on detection. Port settings and content blocking as desired.



    Define Time Restriction

    Using this tab you can define the time line for the web protection to be Active or Inactive for the selected profile. It also allows you to Block Web access during the defined timeline. It can be done easily by selecting the desire option and clicking on the Graph chart present on the interface between the desired timeline.



    Phishing Filter

    You can turn on or turn off the Phishing filter using the Start / Stop Phishing filter option present under Web Protection on the main interface of eScan. While turning it on you can set the parameter to Normal Filter that is Fast with medium level of accuracy or Smart Filter that is slow but has higher level of accuracy.  


    Logs and Reports

    Web Protection Module of eScan also maintains a Log of Web Access Violations, Pop ups Blocked as well as a detailed report of Web Protection activity. This can be accessed by clicking on the desired links present on eScan interface under Web Protection Module.  


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