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The Tools link is located on Lower-right corner of the screen. It provides various options, which helps you to quick access the tools at ease. Each tool contains activities to perform, which are explained below.



  1. eScan USB stick creation

You will have to burn the image on to a USB device before using it to repair/clean infected or damaged systems. You can connect your USB to the device and select the device from the drop-down menu.

  1. Restore windows Default Settings

You can restore the Windows® operating system settings, such as desktop and background settings, to eliminate all the modifications made by a virus attack by using this button. eScan automatically scans your computer for viruses when you click this button and sets the system variables to their default values.

  1. Import/Export Settings

This option Export the settings configured by you in eScan. These settings can be imported and implemented automatically in eScan whenever the drive is formatted and eScan is freshly installed. These setting can also be used to other computers with eScan.

  1. USB Vaccination

The USB device used for various purposes but while using them you may not be aware that the system to which you are connecting is virus infected. When connected to such machines the USB devices also tend to get infected. So, to prevent such cases eScan has introduced a feature wherein you can vaccine USB device, whenever needed. Once vaccinated it stays protected even if you can connected the flash drive to an infected system, it doesn’t become a carrier to infection. By default, the Choose a USB Drive drop-down list and Vaccinate button appears dimmed. It is available only when you connect any USB device to your system. To vaccinate, select an appropriate USB drive, which you want to vaccinate from the Choose a USB Drive drop-down list, and click the Vaccinate button.

  1. Registry Cleaner

eScan will scan for issues in the selected registry entries, all issues found will be displayed in the Panel on the right. You can select / unselect the issues found by eScan and fix selected issues button to fix the issues. eScan will fix the selected issues instantly.

  1. Anti-Theft(Disabled)

To activate the anti-theft feature on your system, you need to register and add your system on to the eScan Anti-theft Portal. The first time ever you open the feature on your windows system, it will ask you to create an account on the anti-theft portal and login with the same credentials on your system.

  1. Download eScan Service Pack

You can download the latest eScan service pack directly from here. This will include all the latest updates.

  1. Upload samples

This functionality will allow you upload the suspicious files that will be checked by eScan's R&D team. You can click on this link, it will be redirect to our website, where you can upload the sample and post your queries.

  1. Windows Essential Updates

It will update your system with the latest windows patch updates. eScan maintains a list of critical Windows Update patches on every computer that are available for free, whenever the user clicks on Download Latest Hotfix (Microsoft Windows OS) option, it checks the computer for missing patches on the OS by matching the installed patches with the released patch list in the database. The missing critical Windows update patches are then downloaded and installed on the computer where eScan is running. The database list is categorized on the basis of the operating system.

  1. Disk Defragmenter

Disk Defragmenter is a system utility for analyzing local volumes and locating and consolidating fragmented files and folders. Click on desired drive and click on Defragment to do Disk Fragmentation.

  1. Vulnerability Scanner

This option will check the vulnerability of the software installed on your computer for any kind of weakness that can be used by the attacker to gain access to the information stored on your computer without your permission. Using the options present in Vulnerability Scanner module of eScan, you can easily update the listed software with the more secured version of the same.

  1. eBackup

Taking regular backup of your critical files stored on your computer is very important, as it can be lost or damaged due to issues such as virus outbreak, modification by a ransomware or another user. This feature of eScan total security suite allows you to take backup of your important files stored on your computer such as documents, Photos, media files, music files, contacts and so on. You can define the path to store the backed up data either on your computer, CD/DVD or USB Drive. It allows you to schedule the backup process by creating tasks. The backed up data is stored in an encrypted format in a folder secured by eScan’s real-time protection. You can create Backup jobs by adding files, folders to take backup either manually or schedule the backup at a defined time or day.

How to Access eBackup

Use the following simple steps to use eBackup feature of eScan Total Security Suite:

  1. Click on the Red shield of eScan Total Security present in the task bar to open eScan Protection Center.
  2. Click on Tools option present at the bottom of the eScan Protection Center, you will be forwarded to the tools Module of eScan Total Security, click eBackup option. eBackup window appears.


There are few buttons available to configure the eBackup tool, which are as follows:

View Details: It will display the details of the selected backup job schedules, it also displays the status of the backups that have failed / succeeded, along with the date and time stamp. It also displays the total number of files that have been backed up successfully and the files for which the backup has failed.



Add Backup Set: This button helps you to create a new backup job, it allows you to take backup either manually or schedule a backup at a desired time; it also allows you to add files and folder for taking backup. This opens a popup window called Create New Backup.



This window has two tabs for configuration:

Job: This tab will allow you to create a new back up job for your important files/folders. The following options are available in this tab:

Active: This check box activates a backup schedule. The backup process will be run only for active backup jobs. Inactive Backup Set is displayed in Red.

Name: This field will contain the name of the backup schedule created by user. For example, you name this schedule “Backup01-02-2021” and all your files and folders containing Backup01-02-2021 can be added to this particular schedule.

Scheduler: This will allow you to schedule the backup jobs. You can schedule the backup jobs to be executed manually or schedule it just for once or on a daily / hourly / weekly / monthly or with system start up.

  • Manual: This option allows you to set backup on manual run. You cannot create a schedule for a manual backup.
  • Once: This option schedules the backup for only once. On selecting this option the date and time field will be activated. You can set the date and time to schedule the backup.
  • Hourly: This option schedules the backup on an hourly basis. This option allows you to take a backup of the defined backup job on an hourly basis.
  • Daily: Select this option to schedule the backup on a daily basis. You will have to define a particular time at which the backup has to be taken; the backup will take place every day at the same time.
  • Weekly: Select this option to schedule the backup once in a week. It will allow you to set the day and time for the backup to be scheduled at.
  • Monthly: Select this option to schedule the backup on a monthly basis. It will allow you to set the time and day of the month when you want the backup to take place.
  • With system startup: Select this option to take back up of all the selected files and folders every time the system is started. You should be selected the drive where you want the backup files and folders to be placed.
  • Time: Select the time and date when you want to schedule the backup job.
  • Select the drive where you want to store your backed up files: This option allows you to select the drive where you wish to store the backed up files. You can select either the hard drive partitions or you can write the data on CD/DVD or store it on a USB Drive. In case if the space is less than the Backup set size on the selected drive, you will be informed through the popup message. The backup can be also taken on the Network drive.

Backup Source and Exclusion: In this section you will add the source files and folders for which the backup has to be taken. It will also allow you to exclude some files and folders from the backup process. It will also allow you to customize the file types for the backup or you can also include all types of files for the backup.



Source: In this section you will add the files and folders to backup. It has the following options:

  • Add Files: Click this option to browse and add files to backup.
  • Add Folder: Click this option to browse and add folders to backup.
  • Remove: Select a file or folder and click Remove to remove it from the backup process.

Folder Settings: This section will allow you to define the type of files that you want to backup. Select All Files check box to include all types of files. In case if you want to include only certain types of files, it will allow you to customize the file types as per your requirement. Uncheck the All Files check box, this will enable rest of the check boxes.



Select the type of File by selecting the desired check box and click on customize. Customize File Type window appears.



Click on Add, Add extension screen appears. Add the name of the extension and description. Click Add, then Apply and Save. The file type will be added to the customized list.



You can also delete the extension from the list by clicking Delete.

File/Folder Exclusion: This option allows you to add Files or Folders that you wish to be excluded from the selected Backup set.

    • Add Files: This option adds desired files to the exclusion list from the selected backup set. No backup will be taken of the selected file whenever a backup is run.
    • Add Folder: This button adds a folder to the exclusion list from the selected backup set. No backup will be taken of the selected folder whenever a backup is run.
    • Wild Card Exclude: This button allows you to exclude files by adding their extensions to the File and Folder Exclusion list. For example – If you wish to exclude all notepad files from the backup set, you can simply add *.txt in the File and Folder Exclusion list. No backup will be taken of the files having extension *.txt whenever a backup is run.
    • Preview: This option to view the files included in the backup set.



Delete Backup Set: It will allow you to delete an existing backup job. Select an existing backup job and click delete, this will delete the selected backup job.

Edit Backup Set: This option will allow you to edit the existing backup set. You can add and remove file or folder to the backup set.

Restore: It will allow you to restore the backup files and folders.

Procedure to Restore Files

  1. Select the backup set and click on Restore, the Restore File window will open, Click Next on this window.


  1. Search for the specific file to be restored by entering a name or part of the file name in the search box OR click on List All Files link to display the list of all the files.


  1. By default all the files will be selected. If you want to some specific files to restore, select only those files and click Selected Files. All the unselected files will be removed from the list.

  1. Select the Original Location option to restore the files to the original location (the selected backup set will be restored at the original path of the backed up file or folder) or select the New Location option and click Browse to restore the files to a new location.

  1. Click Restore, this will restore the selected backup set and you will be informed through a message Backup Successfully Restored will be displayed. The restored files can be accessed either from original path (where the Backed up files were stored) the predefined path.

Run Backup: Click Run Backup to take a manual backup of the selected backup job. After successful backup, you will get the popup message.


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