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eScan Anti-Virus Security for Mac Version 5.x Online Help



The scheduler module helps you to perform scanning on local hard disk drives and selected directories and files on a schedule month, date, hour, minute, and day. Under Options window, you have various options to set for eScan to take action when any viruses are detected.

This module is available only for administrator, but a normal user can also access and configure the scheduler settings by logging on as an administrator. It displays the list of scheduled tasks to be executed at a specific time. Click this module, to schedule the tasks for scanning. You can also edit, delete, or purge the scheduled tasks. With Delete button, you can delete any scheduled task, but Purge button is meant only for outdated schedules, wherein if you click Purge button outdated schedules get automatically deleted.



Note:The *Schedule(s) outdated displayed at the lower-left corner of the window indicates the outdated schedules. The schedules, which are run only once, are called outdated schedules.

When you click Add task button, the following two tabs appear:


It helps you to scan local hard disk drives and selected directories/files. When you select Scan my computer option, eScan scans the entire system. If you want to scan only specific directories and files, click the Scan following directories and files option, and then click the Browse button to select the directories and files of your choice. You can schedule the month, date, hour, minute, and day, on which you want to run the task.




It helps you to set an action to be taken by eScan when any virus is detected. Under Settings section, select appropriate check boxes, on which you want to perform scanning.



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