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This option helps in configuring the notification module so that the concerned are notified / case of any violation.

It has different options like "Warning Notification Settings", "Warning Mails" and "Delete Mails from User".

A) Warning Notification Settings: This section describes the different notifications (warning messages) that are generated by eScan.

1. Virus Alerts:-

These are the different types of email alerts generated in different conditions.

a) Show Alert Dialog Box - this option is enabled by default. This option displays a screen notifying that a virus, worm, trojan, spam, etc... has been detected and the required action taken. b) Attachment Removed Warning to Sender - this option is enabled by default. This option sends out a notification to the sender of the email when an offending attachment is removed by eScan. c) Attachment Removed Warning to Recipient - this option is enabled by default. This option sends out a notification to the recipient of the email when an offending attachment is removed by eScan. d) Virus Warning to Sender - this option is enabled by default. This option sends out a notification to the sender of the email when a virus is removed by eScan. e) Virus Warning to Recipient - this option is enabled by default. This option sends out a notification to the recipient of the email when a virus is removed by eScan. f) Content Warning to Sender - this option is not enabled by default. This option sends out a notification to the sender of the email when offending content is removed by eScan. g) Content Warning to Recipient - this option is enabled by default. This option sends out a notification to the recipient of the email when offending content is removed by eScan. h) Browse - this option helps you to select the appropriate warning message and customize it as per your requirement.

Note - as per point (f), this option is not enabled by default for a simple reason, i.e - when a spam email arrives and eScan takes the required action on it, it is illogical for eScan to send out a notification email warning alerting /updating the sender that because of offensive content the email was blocked. Basically, the email that is blocked is from a spammer and/or from a malware [worm infected system] that sends out bulk emails, hence is illogical to send out notification email warning back to a spammer or a worm.

MicroWorld recommends not to change the default warning message.

B) Warning Mails: In this section the email address/es are specified as to who all would be notified (sender and recipient).

1. From:- this is the email address (of the sernder) that would be used to send the notification email. 2. To:- this is the email address (of the recipient) that would be used to send the notification email.

C) Delete Mails from User: Here, the email address/es from whom you do not wish to receive email/s from are displayed. To add, just type the email address in the field provided, for example -, once added, henceforth, all emails coming from this email address would automatically get deleted before being downloaded onto the system. This option can be further customized by adding a domain to the list from where you do not wish to get emails from, for example - * In other words, not only email address/es can be defined like but domains too like * (wildcard is supported).

Other options - Refresh - this option refreshes and displays the latest status. OK - will help exit the notification option page. Cancel - will not save the current changes done. Apply - this option saves the settings done.

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