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· eScan  · MailScan  · Technologies   · Technical Info  · Security Awareness  · User Guides
  • Web Based Administration:-MailScan Administration Console can be accessed using a browser, thus enabling Remote Administration of the application.
  • Advanced AntiSpam and AntiPhishing:-MailScan uses a combination of technologies like Real-time Black List, SURBL Checking, MX/A DNS Record Verification, Reverse DNS, X-Spam Rules Check, Sender Policy Framework and Non Intrusive Learning Patterns.
  • Non Intrusive Learning Patterns (NILP):-NILP is a revolutionary technology from MicroWorld that works on the principles of Artificial Intelligence, which employs an adaptive mechanism in Spam and Phishing Control.
  • Power to Block Image Spam:-MailScan uses powerful technologies to filter out image spam.
  • Autogenerated Spam Whitelist:-When a local user sends a mail to an email address, the system automatically adds that ID to the Spam Whitelist.
  • Real-Time Virus Scanning at the Mail Gateway:-Scans e-mails for all types of Virus and other malware in Real-Time including all inbound and outbound Mail Traffic.
  • Attachment Filtering:-Extensive options to block certain attachments like EXE, COM, CHM or BAT from being sent or received.
  • Real-Time Content Scanning:-All incoming and outgoing messages are scanned in Real-Time for offensive words and Adult Content, with the help of Security Policies.
  • LDAP Authenticated Web Administration:-MailScan 5 is powered with LDAP Authenticated Web Administration.
  • Comprehensive Attachment & eMail Archiving:-Customizable options to archive e-mails and attachments flowing in and out of the system. This feature also helps in comprehensive Content Auditing.
  • Compression and Decompression:-Options for automatic compression and decompression of files.
  • Auto Updates for Spam Detection:-The system updates the NILP Spam Database with probable phrases and words.
  • TCP Connections:-This option shows all TCP/UDP connections in the system, like Processes, Protocol, Local Address, Remote Address and Status.
  • Customized Disclaimers:-Easy to use options to add customized Disclaimers to all external and internal emails.
  • Extensive Reports:-Provides advanced analytical reports in graphical and Non-graphical formats.

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