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WGWIN is the tool provide by Microworld to download latest Hotfix for MicroWorld range of product & to download critical Microsoft updates which are recommended by Microworld

You can download the tool from any of the below links:-

You can save wgwin.exe on your local drive & execute.

Command line parameter that can be used with wgwin

  1. wgwin.exe /espatch--->It will download latest Hotfix for Microworld Products.
  2. wgwin.exe /esupdate-->It will download cumulative updates for eScan version 9 & Mailscan Version upto 5.6a.
  3. wgwin.exe /mwav-->It will download the MWAV Toolkit with updated engine & updates for eScan version 10 & Mailscan Version starting from 6.1a.
  4. wgwin.exe /winpatch-->It will download Microsoft critical patches recommended by Microworld depending upon OS.
  5. wgwin.exe /http_proxy-->You can mention proxy address & port that used to connect internet or you can check the "Use IE Proxy" to detect proxy declared in default browser. e.g. wgwin.exe /http_proxy= (This parameter is useful when wgwin is deployed from eScan Management Console.

Note: All above parameter can be deployed from eScan Management Console

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