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Anti-Virus and Content Security Solutions for Linux


Required Packages

RPM Package Name                       File name
    mwadmin                 mwadmin-x.x-x.<linux flavor><release>.i386.rpm
    mwav                    mwav-x.x-x.<linux flavor><release>.i386.rpm
    escan                   escan-x.x-x.<linux flavor><linux release>.i386.rpm
    escan-rtm               escan-rtm-x.x-x.<linux flavor><linux release>.i386.rpm

Debian Package Name                    File name
    mwadmin                 mwadmin-x.x-x.<linux flavor><release>.i386.deb
    mwav                    mwav-x.x-x.<linux flavor><release>.i386.deb
    escan                   escan-x.x-x.<linux flavor><linux release>.i386.deb
    escan-rtm               escan-rtm-x.x-x.<linux flavor><linux release>.i386.deb


NOTE:The packages should be installed as per the order given below. Installation should be done using a Terminal to run the command line parameters

Command Line Installation:

For RPM Packages:

# rpm -ivh mwadmin-x.x-x.<linux flavor><release>.i386.rpm
# rpm -ivh mwav-x.x-x.<linux flavor><release>.i386.rpm
# rpm -ivh escan-x.x-x.<linux flavor><linux release>.i386.rpm
# rpm -ivh escan-rtm-x.x-x.<linux flavor><linux release>.i386.rpm

For Debian packages:

# dpkg -i mwadmin-x.x-x.<linux flavor><release>.i386.deb
# dpkg -i mwav-x.x-x.<linux flavor><release>.i386.deb
# dpkg -i escan-x.x-x.<linux flavor><linux release>.i386.deb
# dpkg -i escan-rtm-x.x-x.<linux flavor><linux release>.i386.deb

Post-Installation Configuration

After the installation is complete, add the following entries in [global] section of /etc/samba/smb.conf file
       max mux = 1
add the following entries in [share_name] in /etc/samba/smb.conf file
       vfs object = vscan-mwav
       vscan-mwav: config-file = /opt/MicroWorld/etc/escan/vscan-mwav.conf
NOTE: This [share_name] folder will be scanned by eScan's monitor on real-time basis.
After adding the above entries, restart the samba server.
This completes the Installation procedure for eScan for Linux File Server.



1. What is eScan for Linux Desktop?

A. MicroWorld eScan for Linux Desktop is an Ant-Virus Solution for GNU/Linux Desktops. It scans and protects the system for viruses or threats.

2. What are the features in eScan for Linux Desktop?

A. eScan for Linux Desktops

  • On-Demand Virus Scanning,
  • Automatic download of Virus signatures,
  • Easy and convenient administratiton - Web-browser based administration as well with Graphical User Interface (GUI)
  • Scanning features with Heuristic scanning, Cross File Systems and Symbolic Links scanning,
  • Scheduling Scanning jobs
  • Provides extensive Logs for analysis.

3. For which flavors of GNU/Linux is eScan for Linux Desktop available?

A. eScan for Linux Desktop is available for

  • Debian 5.0.3
  • Fedora Core 3
  • Fedora Core 6
  • Fedora 8
  • Fedora 9
  • RHEL 4
  • RHEL 5
  • Slackware 12.2
  • Suse 10
  • Ubuntu 8.10
  • Ubuntu 9.10

New or updated packages for various flavors of GNU/Linux are always added in the official web-site as well as in the eScan Wiki site. Click here to check the available Packages for download

If you do not find your package, please write to as per your requirement with the below details

  • eScan product name,
  • linux flavor and release version and
  • the linux kernel version.

4. What is a Cross File Systems?

A. In Linux, you have different file systems mounted on partions. eScan can scan files in Cross file systems means checking files on different partitions and/or network mounted file systems.

5. What is the difference between the Evaluation version of eScan software and fully licensed software?

A. The evaluation version and licensed version of eScan are identical in feature and functionality wise. While in evaluation version of eScan, it will function for a limited period i.e. for 30-days after which the license key for eScan has to be purchased.


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