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Command-Line Parameters for Manual scanning


      escan [OPTIONS]... [OBJECT]...


      Scans and cleans directories and files for viruses and other malwares.


  Scan Actions
           These option are the action to be taken in case of any infected object found by scanner.
      -ly, --log-only
           Only Report infection found / detected in the scanned log. No action on infected
      -dl, --disinfect-log
           Will try to Disinfect, if not possible shall Report infection found / detected
           in the scanned log.
      -dd, --disinfect-delete
           Will try to Disinfect, if not possible shall delete the infected object.
      -dq, --disinfect-quarantine
           Will try to Disinfect, if not possible shall quarantine (Default) the infected object.
      -dr, --disinfect-rename
           Will try to Disinfect, if not possible shall rename the infected object.
      -dp, --disinfect-prompt
           Will try to Disinfect, if not possible shall prompt for the action to be taken on the infected object.
           Following Actions will be prompted:
                Do Nothing
                Cancel Scan
      -di, --delete-infected
           Will Delete the Infected object.
      -ri, --rename-infected
           Will Rename the Infected object.
      -qi, --quarantine-infected
           Will Quarantine the Infected object.
      -pr, --prompt
           Will Prompt for an Action to be taken on the infected object without trying to  disinfect it.
      -qp, --quarantine-path*
           Sets the Quarantine Path for the infected object. It sets action as quarantine.
           While setting Quarantine Path, make sure that user has write permission to
                # escan -qp /var/MicroWorld/var/quarantine/escan
      -re, --rename-extension*
           Renames infected file with this extension. Extension must be alphanumeric string
           starting with alphabet and 1 to 5 characters long. Please do not put dot (’.’)
           before extension value.
                # escan -re mwt
      NOTE:  Quarantine  path  and  Rename extension Parameters are descarded, if action is set as ’prompt’. In that case default qurantine path
      ’/var/MicroWorld/var/quarantine/escan’ and default rename extension ’.mwt’ will be used.
      Also, provide only one of -qp or -re, otherwise both the parameters will be ignored and default values will be used.

  Recursion Options</font>
      -rr, --recursion
           Will Scan files in the Directories and in the Sub-Directories recursively.
           By default this option is enabled.
      -rr-, --no-recursion
           Will scan only the files in the directory of subject to scan without following
           any sub-directory in the path.
      -lk-, --no-symlink
           While scanning the object(s), any symbolic link in the path will be will not be
           followed and will be ignored. By default, all symbolic link scanning is disabled.
      -lk, --all-symlink
           While scanning the object(s), any symbolic link in the path will be resolved and
           will be scanned.
      -cr-, --no-cross-fs
           While resolving the symbolic link in scan path or object, if any object is found
           on other device (physical device or logical file system), the object will be
           ignored and path will not be followed. By default, any cross file system scanning
           is diabled.
      -cr, --cross-fs
           While resolving the symbolic link in scan path or object, if object(s) is/are
           foundon other device, the path will be followed for scanning.

  Scan Options
      -m0, --mem-scan-only
           In current scan  session, scan memory for any virus(es).
      -m, --mem-scan
           For every scan, memory will be scanner before performing any other scanning.
           By defualt, memory is set to scan at every scan session startup.
      -m-, --no-mem-scan
           Disbale all memory scan at scan session startup.
      -au, --auto-update
           At every scan session startup, update virus definition database, before scanning.
      -pk, --pack
           Scan packed files on scan path.
      -pk-, --no-pack
           Do not scan any packed files on scan path.
      -ac, --archives
           Scan archived files on scan path.
      -ac-, --no-archives
           Do not scan archived files on scan path.
      -db, --mails
           Scan plain mails & mail database files on scan path.
      -db-, --no-mail
           Do not scan plain mails & mail database files on scan path.
      -hu, --heuristic
           Perform heuristic checks for any suspected pattern of unknown virus(es) in object(s).
      -hu-, --no-heuristic
           Do perform heuristic checks for suspected pattern of unknown virus(es).
      -sx, --scan-ext
           Scan file(s) having defined extension(s).
           Seperate multiple extensions by ’,’.
                To scan files having extensions exe
                     # escan -sx exe /home
                To scan files having extensions exe or com
                     # escan -sx exe,com /home
      -xx, --exclude-ext
           Exclude file(s) having defined extension(s) on scan path.
           Seperate multiple extensions by ’,’.
                To exclude files having extension exe type
                     # escan -xx exe /home
                To exclude files having extension exe, com type
                     # escan -xx exe, com /home
      NOTE: By default, all files with extension ’.mwt’ will be exclude, if not explicitly declared in scan extension list.
      -xd, --exclude-dirs
           Exclude directory(ies) on scan path.
           Seperate multiple directories by ’,’.
                To exclude the /var directory from scanning
                     # escan -xd /var /
                To exclude the /var and /opt directory from scanning
                     # escan -xd /var,/opt /
      -dh, --max-depth
           While performing recursive scanning, it allows scanner to follow the defined
           number of depth only. This option is ignored, if recursive scanning is disabled.
                To scan upto 2 level of depth while scanning /home
                     # escan -dh 2 /home
      -ms, --max-size
           As larger files takes more time to scan, exclude the larger file(s) by providing
           this option. suffix the size parameter with
           ’b’ for byte / ’k’ for kilo-bytes / ’m’ for mega-bytes.
           If no suffix is provides, scanner assumes the size parameter in KB.
                To exclude files larger than 5 MB
                     # escan -mx 5m /home

  General Options
      -v, --version
           Display the MicroWorld eScan version inforamtion(s).
      y0, --display-none
           Do not display any output on the terminal while scan is in progress.
      -ym, --display-minimum
           Display Minimum output on terminal. Only initialization alert,
           scan configuration and scan result statistics will be printed.
      -yi, --display-infected
           In addition to above information, all infection and action details
           will be printed to terminal.
      -y, --display-all
           Display eveything on terminal.
      -l, --log-path
           Will set the scan log file path. eScan creates escan directory in
           log directory to differentiate escan log from other logs.
      -l0, --no-log
           Do not log any thing. No log file will be created.
      -lm, --log-minimum
           Log Minimum infomation. Only initialization alert, scan configuration
           and scan result statistics will be printed.
      -li, --log-infections
           In addition to above information, all infection and action details
           will be printed in log file.
      -la, --log-all
           Log everything.
      -ss, --save-settings
           Save the provided scan setting as default settings before scanning.
      -so, --save-only
           Save the provided scan setting as default settings and exit without
      -G, --restore-global
           This option is available to non-root user’s only. All user (except root)
           has their own default settings configuration saved. This option reset
           the user’s default settings with the Global settings (root’s settings).
      -ui, --av-info
           Display the AV engine version, last virus signature update date and
           virus signature count and exit.

  Update Options (for root only)
           These options are available to root user only.
      -u, --update
           Start downloading the latest virus definitions.
      -x, --use-proxy
           Use Proxy for downloading the updates from internet.
      -x-, --no-proxy
           Do not use the Proxy for downloading the updates from internet.
      -xi, --proxy-ip
           IP Address of the Proxy Server.
      -xt, --proxy-port
           Port of the Proxy Server
           To download the Virus defination using the proxy setting
                # escan -u -xi -xt 8080
      -xa, --use-proxy-auth
           Use the Proxy authentication for downloading the virus definition.
      -xa-, --no-proxy-auth
           Do not use Proxy authentication for downloading the virus definition.
      -xu, --proxy-user
           Proxy authentication user name.
      -pw, --proxy-passwd
           Proxy authentication password.
      -ul, --server-list
           Use update server(s) instead of default update server (not recommended).
           Separate multi servers by comma.
      -xs, --use-https
           Use the secure http to download updates.
      -xs-, --use-http
           Do not use secure http to download updates.
      -to, --time-out
           Set the connection time out (in seconds) for downloading updates.
      -rc, --retries
           Set the retry count in case of connection failure for downloading.
           These options are available to root user only.

  Schedule Options (for root only)
      -sc, --save-schedule
           Save the  Scheduled Job for scanning. This option requires a parameter
           as UNIQUE job name. Job name must be alphanumeric starting with an alphabet and
           1 to 10 characters long.
      -min, --minute
           Schedule job minutes of hour [0-59].
      -hr, --hour
           Schedule job hour of day [0-23].
      -day, --month-day
           Schedule job day of month [1-(28/29/30/31)].
      -wd, --week-day
           Schedule job day of week [0-6] (0 Sun/1 Mon/.../6 Sat).
      -mon, --month
           Schedule job month of yesk [1-12].
      -fq, --frequency
           Schedule job frequency.
                0    once
                1    hourly
                2    daily
                3    monthly
                4    weekly
      -ds, --del-schedule
           Delete save scheduled job. This option requires a parameter
           as existing job name.
                #  escan -ds <job name>
      -do, --delete-old
           Purge all expired/outdated schdules.
           All schedules accepts scan and action parameters (except memory scan options),
           that will be saved for new job. By default, schedules are saved with the default
           scan options
      Schedule examples:
           To schedule a scanning to run only ONCE on the current date at paritcular time:
                # escan -sc job1 -fq 0 -hr 15 -min 30 /home
           Above command saves schedule with name job1, that will start scan at
           15:30 on current day.
           To schedule a scanning to run only ONCE  on specified date at particular time:
                # escan -sc job2 -fq 0 -day 1 -mon 10 -hr 15 -min 30 /home
           Above command saves schedule with name job2, that will start scan at
           15:30 on 1st of octobor.
           To schedule a scanning to run at every HOUR:
                # escan -sc job3 -fq 1 -min 59 /home
           Above command saves schedule with name job3, that will start scan at
           59th minute of every hour.
           To schedule a scanning to run Daily at a particular:
                # escan -sc job4 -fq 2 -hr 15 -min 40 /home
           Above command saves schedule with name job4, that will start scan at
           2:15 every day.
           To schedule a scanning to run every MONTH:
                # escan -sc job5 -fq 3 -day 1 -hr 15 -min 30 /home
           Above command saves schedule with name job5, that will start scan at
           15:30 on 1st of every month.
           To schedule a scanning to run every WEEK:
                # escan -sc job6 -fq 4 -wd 3 -hr 15 -min 30 /home
           Above command saves schedule with name job5, that will start scan at
           15:30 on every Wednesday.

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