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MailScan - FAQ's

Q.After Installing MailScan, users/recepients receive a notification emails with :

Subject: MailScan found an email having Virus or objectionable content!
Email removed at the SMTP/POP3 Gateway for one of the following reasons. 1. It had a virus. 2. It had objectionable content. 3. The sender email-id was banned. 4. The email itself was corrupted.
We apologise for any inconvenience.


This notification message received is by design in MailScan.

When a mail is downloaded by a Mail Server, it is scanned by MailScan at the Transport Layer of the OSI and then delivered to the mail server. During the scanning process, if the mail has any Restricted Attachments / Viruses, it is either deleted or forwarded to the Administrator by MailScan. Since the mail server has initiated and established the connection to download the mails, it has to receive a mail to complete the connection session. Hence, MailScan has to generate this notification to avoid the application from being crashed.

A workaround to stop this message from being delivered to your INBOX, you can define a RULE-SET in the mail-clients (like outlook express) that mails with the above subject should be deleted or moved to a predefines folder.

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