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MailScan - Troubleshooting


Q. I have MailScan for Exchange 6.1a installed on my client's (ABCD) SBS 2008 machine along with Exchange 2007. I am trying to get the mail to flow, but it is not working (internal emails are however as well as outbound). We are using RASPOP to check the firm's POP3 accounts and then are trying to have those emails forwarded to Exchange for local delivery to the users.I changed all receive connectors to port 26 as MailScan listens on 25 (in Exchange). All users on the SBS have an SMTP address I have the "forward to" addresses setup to send to the users I tested one account downloading through RASPOP. The test email downloaded, but was never delivered. Message tracking on Exchange has no knowledge of the email. The SMTP and ROUTE logs for MailScan both say "successful" near the message, but there's no user log for the POP transaction as there normally is? When I go to input "forward to" addresses in RASPOP, the program wants to append a @abcd.local automatically to the end of the address I am entering. However, the emails are being sent from outside users to addresses. Does this mean anything to you? Do I need to add the external domain somewhere in MailScan and/or Exchange 2007? Am I missing a connector? Any advice?


This could be due to incorrect domain defined in the list of local domain table of the Mailscan.

Follow the below steps:

1) Logon to the Mailscan for Exchange WebConsole

2) Go to SMTP Administrator >> Gateway Configuration

3) Add in the List of Local Domains and configure the IP address and the SMTP port number and save the settings.

4) Then select the in the List of Local Domains and click on the Make Primary button. Now will be the Primary Domain.

5) Delete abcd.local from the List of Local Domains.

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