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eScan Version 11 (and above) Online Help


‘e Scan Protection Center

This section provides the description of eScan’s File Antivirus and various settings that can be configured for Real time Monitoring by File Antivirus for any malicious objects and actions to be taken on detection.



‘e Scan Protection Center (ePC) is a management console that helps you configure your copy of ‘e Scan. It acts as a control panel from where you can conveniently configure ‘e Scan modules and perform ‘e Scan-related tasks. With ePC, you can scan your computer for malicious software, download updates, and configure ‘e Scan. You can also run ‘e Scan’s powerful File Anti-Virus monitor via ePC. This monitor constantly checks files and prevent malicious programs from making unauthorized changes to them. ePC also helps you configure advanced settings for the Web Protection module. This helps you prevent offensive or harmful content from entering your computer via a Web browser.



Benefits of ePC
The following are some of the benefits of ePC.
  1. It helps you download updates and configure settings related to various ‘e Scan features.
  2. It helps you scan your computer and devices for malicious software.
  3. It constantly monitors all the recently accessed files for unauthorized changes and keeps a track of these changes in log files. Thus, it provides proactive protection to your computer.
  4. It performs faster scans by using the new On-demand Scan (ODS) with Cache Technology.
  5. It provides advanced protection to your computer by helping you block spam e mails and harmful Web sites.

How to Access ePC?
ePC comes with a GUI that is extremely simple for both experienced and novice users to use.
To open ePC, perform the following steps.
1. On the taskbar, in the notification area, double click.
2. In the eScan Protection Center dialog box, in the Enter Administrator Password box, type the password, and then click OK.

ePC’s context menu
ePC’s context menu comes with several options.



These options are discussed as follows:
  1. Open eScan Protection Center - You should click this option if you need to open ePC.
  2. Resume Protection/Pause Protection - You can click this toggle to pause or resume ‘e Scan’s security mechanisms.
  3. Enable Gaming Mode - You should click this option to prevent ‘e Scan from throwing notifications and alert messages while you are playing computer games.
  4. Scan My Computer - You can click this option to scan your computer for viruses and other malicious software.
  5. Update now - You can click this option to update your ‘e Scan product with the latest hotfixes and virus definitions.
  6. View Current Network Activity - You can click this option to open the ViewTCP tool. This tool provides you with information regarding the incoming and outgoing network traffic.
  7. System Information - You can click this option to view information regarding the hardware and software installed on the computer.



8. Virtual Keyboard - You can view the virtual keyboard by clicking this option.



eScan Remote Support -
‘e Scan Remote Support (ERS) works with the help of remote desktop connection, which enables ‘e Scan Support technicians to access computers from remote locations and troubleshoot issues on them.

About eScan - You can click this option to view information regarding the ‘e Scan product installed on your computer, its version, and copyright details.



Understanding ePC’s GUI
ePC has an extremely user-friendly GUI that is easy to navigate. It comprises two main sections.

A. Upper pane -
The upper section of the screen shows the ‘e Scan product name, version, and hyperlinks that allow you to access the Feedback, Help, Password, and License modules.
  • Feedback - This link opens the online feedback form, which helps you provide inputs to MicroWorld on various ‘e Scan products and services.
  • Help - This link to opens the Help tab, which provides you with links to Live Chat, ‘e Scan Online Help, and MicroWorld Forum.
  • Password - This link helps you change the administrator password for your ‘e Scan product.
  • License Information - This link helps you enter the license key for your ‘e Scan product.
B. Lower pane -
The lower section of the screen shows buttons and icons that help you view and customize ePC modules. Whenever you click a button or icon, a tabbed pane with the configuration and report information or tools for performing tasks related to that module is displayed.

Buttons - This section shows the following buttons.
  • Scan - This section provides you with options for scanning your computer and storage devices on demand. In addition, it provides you with the option of scheduling scans and viewing logs as per your convenience.
  • Update - This section provides you with a variety of options for scheduling and downloading ‘e Scan updates.
  • Tools - This section includes several tools that help you create a rescue image for recovering from a system crash, restore the default Windows® settings, download hotfixes, contact ERS, and send debug information to the ‘e Scan Technical Support team.

Icons - In addition, this section includes the following icons, which provides quick access to the following modules.
  • File Anti-Virus - This module provides real-time protection to the files and folders residing on your computer.
  • Mail Anti-Virus - This module prevents infected e-mails and attachments from reaching your inbox, and thus protects your computer from malicious software that propagate through e-mails.
  • Anti-Spam - This module helps you create and configure filters that filter spam based on keywords and phrases that appear within e-mails.
  • Web Protection - This module helps you prevent offensive or pornographic content from appearing within a Web browser.
  • Firewall - This module helps you apply various expert rules for blocking specific ports, programs, or services on your computer.
  • EndPoint Security - This module helps you protect your computer from infected USB or FireWire®-based devices.
  • Privacy Control - This module helps you clear your browser cache, history, cookies, and other personal information that may be stored within temporary files on your computer.

When you select an icon, the tabbed page shows you some information regarding the selected module. It also provides you with links for configuring that module and helps you view reports generated by ‘e Scan for that module. With the exception of Scan and Tools, the tabbed pages belonging to all other modules show the following information.

Configuration - This is the first section displayed in the tabbed page of each module. This section displays the status of the module, whether it is running or not and provides you with a link to the settings dialog box for that module. This section usually contains the following links.
  • Start/Stop - This link helps you start or stop a given module.
  • Settings - This link helps you configure the settings for the selected module within the left pane.

Reports - This pane provides you with links to the reports generated by the corresponding module.
 Note: The exceptions are the Scan module and the Tools module.

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